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Saturday, February 6, 2021

Super Bowl Party At Rockin' Robin: Stacey Cardalines Reporting


I know several dozen people in real life who view the Super Bowl as more important than Easter or Christmas, and to be fair to their viewpoint, you can't turn on the TV and see Jesus rupture some guy's spleen. That's not the case with the NFL. Your belief system should be built on concrete whenever possible, and my God is getting three and a half points on Sunday.

Ideally, you aren't on SL for the Super Bowl. It's one of America's great party days, and you want to spend it with friends, eating pizza, ogling the cheerleaders, drinking copious amounts of beer, laughing at the commercials, gawking at the pretty girl singing the National Anthem, wagering the mortgage on the final score with payment due to some menacing Sicilian fellow... and maybe even watching the game. It's pure Americana, and even people who don't like football will get a kick out of something on the list that I just, Uhm, listed. You want to be Out on the Super Bowl... out among Those People.

But these are the 2020s, babe, and isolation is the new social. That works for some people, as it is hard for a Purist to focus on the game with the necessary Jihad-like intensity if some joker is asking him/her to pass the chicken wings or wondering if the Bud Knight will be on soon. If your lawyer is clever, you can kill a guy for that in a football-friendly state such as Alabama and skate like Tonya Harding. 

An avatar has several distinct advantages over an actual human when it comes to watching the game. A human can't say "BRB" if another human asks them a question. You can try, but it goes over poorly. I tried it at the last Super Bowl party that I was invited to... about 12 years ago, I think. The avatar is not concerned with such milquetoast niceties. When the game gets close, sequestration has benefits. The avatar doesn't have to set out 40 plates of nachos. The avatar doesn't have to clean up, mix drinks, break up fights, listen to their wife, or any of those other things that get in the way of watching the game.

However, the human being is a social animal. It's fun to watch the game in the company of others, even if they are just little cartoons like on SL. This is not just true for trendy reasons. You like to be able to turn to a fellow fan and say "What a catch!" or "I can't believe he missed that field goal" or "Wow, that guy got hit so hard, he may not know his own middle name anymore." You can't do that alone, even if you have a really empathic cat. As daunting as the real world can be, you need other people at times.

This leads us to today's featured sim, Rockin' Robin. Rockin' Robin (Tweet, Tweet Tweet) is a nightclub which is hosting a day-long Super Bowl party on Sunday. They've turned the sim into a football stadium, and- minus the 22 guys needed to have a football game- have focused on making the sim into a sort of all-day Halftime Show. They have a zillion acts and a series of DJs going on from 2 AM SLT until the last one hits the stage at 11 PM. Purelife Magnifico has done wonders with the stadium, and Ev Canadi proved to be a fine Minister of Information. They have seasonal and event-themed activities all year, including very imminent Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day parties..

If life puts you on SL for the Super Bowl, you can do a lot worse than Rockin' Robin. I hope to see you there.

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