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Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Staring at the Sun aka Froezz Moonites – A Bright Star in the Music World -Brooke Blackburn Reporting...

Second Life has no shortage of music venues. You can find one stirring up a crowd almost 24 hours a day, but not all may be your to your liking. There is some truth in the cliché “You get what you pay for”. If you are tired of the endless dance beats and the repetitive top 40 tracks. I’ve found someone that will touch your heart and soul as he sings with a feeling he is singing it only for you. Froezz Moonites aka Staring at the Sun IS that person. From the moment you hear him, he will bring out emotions you never felt before.

Staring at the Sun has been singing for most of his life and has a vocal range few can compete with. He has made a name for himself in Second Life as well as in his first and has the talent to back that up. Anyone who has enjoyed his music will testify to that. He brings an energy to the stage that is electrifying from his first song to his last. 

Arriving in Second Life on July 27, 2008, he didn’t waste any time taking the music scene by storm. He took a little break for his virtual gigs but is back now with a vengeance. Froezz performs with a voice that many can tell is close to his real-life mentors. His style is more comfortable with American county pop but has a wide range of songs including those from Radio Head, the Beatles, and many more in his playlist. His set the night I attended consisted of songs ranging from Harry Nilsson to Glen Campbell and everything in between. Without further ado , meet Staring at the Sun aka Froezz Moonites.

Interview with Staring at the Sun (SatS):

Brooke Blackburn (BB): At what age did you first start singing?

SatS: I started singing when I was 5 years old. My dad has a few recordings of my brother and I singing some kid's tunes. One song is called a diamond in the Ruff from a church record we had. 
 Once I started I didn't stop. It was something no one could take away.

BB: Wow, you started at a really young age. Do you have any interests besides the music industry?

SatS: I have a water company in real life where we purify water with sound. A fishing lure manufacturing company and a makerspace. These all stem off of sound in some aspects of being creative.

BB: That's really interesting. Did you come to SL to sing or was it something else?

SatS: Yes, I signed on with a specific agenda... to sing. LOL, I feel free when I am singing. I want others to feel that same feeling.

BB: I felt that at your concert. Music can become a soundtrack in our lives provoking emotions and feelings for sure. So, how long have you been singing in Second Life?

SatS: I believe my first gig was August 2008, with an open mic at whiskey go round. Not sure if it is the same one that is still open today.

BB: Not sure I've been there. Aside from SL do you perform in clubs in real life?

SatS: Not at the present, Covid put a stop to that, but I do perform on

BB: Oh yes! Covid definitely changed a lot of things for a lot of people. I think it's great that SL can be an outlet to still do what you love in a safe way. What artists have influenced you or who are your favorite singers?

SatS: Harry Nilsson, Glen Campbell, Jimmy Web, Jimmy Bowen, Leon Russell, Dion, The Beatles, Alabama Shakes, The Blues in general, choir arrangements, Switchfoot, Coldplay, and many more. These are just the ones that were impaction in my mind, like these guys have their shit together.

BB: You named a lot of greats. Do have any type of songs that are your favorite?

SatS:  Ones that talk about your mind. Ones that help you use it, keep it clear, show you better thinking, how to love yourself, and how to love others. I feel these are here to better the human race. To help us understand ourselves better.

BB: I agree. Lyrics can be powerful messages that can change one's life. Do you have any original songs in your sets?

SatS: Yes many, at least 15 originals. Though I have 4 albums worth ready to be released as we speak, all in various forms of doneness.

BB: Congratulations on your albums! We'd love to help get more people to experience your music! For booking who can venue owners contact?

SatS: My manager’s name is BAD (Badone). He can handle all inquiries about me from bookings to my song list.

Staring at the Sun is an act few can follow. Check him out at one of the many venues around Second Life. You may even see me there on occasion enjoying an evening of fun and great music! 

Additional Information:

Join my group in Second Life!

Group Code: 2c96f13e-0be2-a6c9-d8ec-9104d5eaa020

Staring At The Sun Music




Bookings Contact: BAD (Badone)

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