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Saturday, January 9, 2021

A voice from down under let me introduce you to SilverLight GypsyHeart - ORION BARAL REPORTING

One of the things that I love about Second Life is the ability to be surprised continuously. I was recently at Terry’s Place for their open mic night. Now as we all know sometimes open mic is a hit and miss. You get the shower singers who think they are the next Frank Sinatra or Usher or even the next Pink. But then just sometimes the stars align correctly and all the pygmies are dancing in sync and you hear a voice that stops you in your tracks. This happened to me on this night. On stage was Silverlight Gypsyheart. I was truly amazed at her voice and was rather upset it was an open mic because I was only able to hear three songs. After the set, I was able to sit down with her for an interview so I can introduce her to you so you too can appreciate her voice as much as I did. 


Orion  Baral (OB): How did you discover Second Life and get involved in the music scene? 

Silverlight  GypsyHeart: I first learned of the music scene in Second Life way back around 2008 when my son's band manager in the real world was organizing for them to stream a one-off gig in SL. A concept way beyond my comprehension at that time. It was during this year that I opened an account but didn't stay long due to the "pcs" capacity back then to cope with the speed of SL graphics rendering, I found it too frustrating so left for close to 4yrs. An email from a friend I had made back then brought me back to SL.I  became involved in the SL music scene only as a listener. I was hooked. In 2016 I was later asked by a well-known performer to be his manager, which I did for around 9 months. I later started organizing live music events at a venue a friend had asked me to build for them, so with 11 singers, some of whom are still with me today at my own venue *SPIRIT OF THE OUTBACK*​​. MY heavy involvement in the music scene had begun.

OB:  I’m glad you decided to give SL another shot! It sounds like you've been busy. How long have you been performing in RL and in SL?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: I have only been singing in Second Life for almost four years...mind you it took two years of coaxing and encouragement from good friends to build my courage and confidence to a level to take to the live mic. As far as RL... I have only performed in choirs as a child and teen with my favourite performances being part of a rock-folk group at a large local church where each Sunday where we performed full Rock Masses, we also competed in competitions around the state of Victoria Australia ...I was in the high harmony power vocal section of our group of eight and three guitarists.

OB: You have that kind of voice that you can sing many different kinds of genres of music, what is your favorite to cover?

Silverlight  GypsyHeart: While great love is the big power ballads from the great divas like Stevie Nicks, Chrissy Amphlett , Lita Ford, Anne Heart, Adele, Pink etc, I cover ballads from across the generations 1960s to present time, contemporary rock, alternative rock,  rock power ballads, even a bit of metal. As you can see Rock is my preferred genre and, while country is not, I do cover some of the more modern ballads that I love. It would be easier to say I don't sing opera or rap, I think you need a very special timbre for rap and it's definitely not in the mezzo-soprano range lol.

OB: AWW Too bad because I LOVE country music and gangster rap! JK. Have you ever written your own music?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: I wish. I have a son who is very talented in this area and who has written amazing music, but I think he got that particular talent from his Dad's side of the family.

OB: As you know I saw you at Terry’s Place at their open mic. But can you tell me how often you perform in Second Life?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: I used to sing six shows a week but for now I am only singing 3 shows a week along with any Charity Event I am asked to perform. I do love to sing open mics as they allow me to experiment with new songs, bring my true essence in a performer due to the freedom to express and experiment with my vocals to an appreciative set of listeners

OB: Every musician has a story about music and what it means to them or how it moves them. Can you share yours with our readers?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: Hmmm!!! What does music not mean to me? Music is everything. Music is the ultimate expression. Music evokes a plethora of emotions that stir the very essence of me, my soul. I was born with music in my ears, it brings joy, happiness, solace, excitement and passion just to name a few of the emotions that well up in me when I hear music. For me, music is the universal voice, the creator of peace, friendship. love, happiness. I always say "Nobody is fighting while they are singing or listening to music." Music,  whether through our very first instrument, 'our voice' or peripheral medium such as guitar, keys, etc is a gift, a gift to be shared to bring happiness and contentment to others.

OB: I fully agree. Music does inspire and invoke emotion and nostalgic moments.  Which musician influenced you to start playing music?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: My Darling Dad was my first music god. My Dad sang on stage in England from a six-year-old, he could also play piano and harmonica very well, my grandfather and all his sons were singers along with my much older cousin who would sing with his neighbour and friend Gordon Sumner you know who he is lol. Dad would always be singing around the house in his warm baritone voice, he would make up his own lyrics about me as he sang popular songs, much to my dismay when I was old enough to realize that there were not in fact the true lyrics to that particular music, just a Daddy singing to his little daughter lol. My Dad was part of a Handel's Messiah Choir when I was eight years old. I would follow him around the house singing his parts along with him even the parts he would make up for fun. So yes, my Dad was my first musical influence because there could never have been better. In Second Life: Remy Farman, a fantastic seasoned singer/ performer, helped me so very much with encouragement, advice, and support when my confidence was zero and my nerves would not let me crash through the too shy barrier. Canipanic from the O Lounge was the final confidence booster to say "go on you can do it", he held my virtual hand through my very first performance, solo, in both worlds as I belted  out " House of the Rising Sun."

OB: What are your goals in the music world? Where do you see yourself heading into the future with your music?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: You know, I am not in the music scene in SL to make money, I am not dependant on the money I make singing in SL to prop up my RL, I put it all back into my venue and performers, I sing for pure love and joy, so as far as a career goes if it happens it happens and I will be happy, I just want to make people happy, bring a smile to those who have had a rough day, to have a sing along and have fun, to leave their worries behind for an hour.. If I can do that in SL then for me, my future is gold.

OB: Now for the important part of this interview where can fans or Venue owners contact for bookings?

Silverlight GypsyHeart: They can contact me directly in SL as Silverlight GypsyHeart or Silverlight Moonites (calling card) or on Facebook as Silver Light

or via the *SPIRIT OF THE OUTBACK*​ MUSIC GROUP on Facebook.

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