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Saturday, November 21, 2020

Spotlight on T&N Creations- Ghost Explorer Reporting...

And I said to myself...What a wonderful world!

Second Life - A place where all your dreams can come true.  You can have a perfect home, meet friends from around the world, ask this perfect stranger out, go for dinner in Paris, dessert in Japan and a final gondola ride in Venice before dancing the night away at Apollo's Garden.

Now you are thinking of the next stage of this magical relationship; SL Partnering!  But it is so costly.  You want all the lights and glam, but it is so expensive! You want perfect coordination, but it is so costly!  You want to remember your special day forever, but it is not in the budget!

Fear not.  What if I told you that your dream day is achievable without you having to rob a Linden bank?  I came across Second Life's perfect events location while flying my Fatal Custom Widowmaker Bike over a few sims and landed at T&N Creations.  I was welcomed by Trinity and Nawty Rivers, owners of T&N Creations. The beautiful ladies were wonderfully accommodating and granted me a tour and an interview right away.

I marveled at the landing point where you can check yourself and make sure that you are fully rezzed before proceeding.  The pathway leading to the venue can only be described as a dream garden where the colors are perfectly planned for visual effects.  Rides are available to take you to the event venue in case you do not want to walk or fly.  Need a place to hang out while waiting for the ultimate hour, an elegant hidden room is at your disposal.  The venue itself is a work of art.  Imagine the option to change colors to match your vision at the touch of a button.  Beauty can be partially described but must be seen to be enjoyed.

Now, you are probably reading this and thinking that this will cost me a prim arm and leg.  Again, don't worry.  I sat down with Trinity Rivers and Nawty Rivers for a casual interview while sampling mint tea from their offices.


Ghost Explorer- Beautiful venue you have here.  I am impressed.

Nawty  Rivers- Thank you! Trin and I put a lot of hard work and sweat into it.

Ghost Explorer - What was the motivating factor in creating this amazing place?

Trinity Rivers  - Someone's wedding day is very important.  It should not be cheapened by the amount of lindens you can spend.  This venue is our lowest priced venue. Even though people may not have much or want to spend as much,  we want them to have the best we can give.

Ghost Explorer - That is very noble of you.  Anything else you can host here?

Trinity Rivers - Oh we can do anything with style.  For example,  weekend getaway.

Nawty Rivers - Birthday parties, anniversary events, vow renewals, romantic proposals.

Ghost Explorer - So what if someone wants to do something really quick like a drive-through wedding?

Nawty Rivers - Vegas style?  We got you covered at T&N Creations!

Ghost Explorer - This is truly amazing ladies and I thank you for your time and the T&N Mint tea.  So hypothetically, if I needed to tie the knot, where would I start?

Trinity Rivers - It is as easy as reaching out to us and we will show you all the packages.

Nawty Rivers - And you can make a choice based on your preferences.

As I got on my bike and slowly hovered over the beautifully crafted landscape, I got a full view of where a perfect event can be held.  Kissed by a golden sunset, I smiled at the two ladies waving goodbye to me and disappeared into the clouds towards my next adventure.

The Ghost Explorer



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