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Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Spend Election Night At The 2020 Election Simulator- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

In this age of pandemics and limited social gatherings, it may be impossible for you to attend a proper election party. That may leave you alone, with no one to watch the election with, an election that is as wild and consequential as anything in US history. You want to be able to discuss, vent, question, cheer, weep... whatever you're into.

Fortunately, you can cough right in someone's mouth on SL and not get them sick. You can gather in orgy-like proximity without even sparing a thought about catching some friggin' plague. You already go to school online, work online... why not party online?

Granted, a "party" as a rule doesn't involve standing around waiting for people to vote, but it isn't bad for a Tuesday in November.

What you need for this party is a venue, and we found a good one for you.

The 2020 Election Simulator is the brainchild of Duncan, who is aiming for a non-partisan event with no arguments. His sim is not pushing one guy or another, and it is designed for both parties to enjoy.

He put a lot of effort into it. Here are a few things I saw wandering around the sim:

- A state by state map which will turn each state red or blue as polls come in. The simulator is based on the FiveThirtyEight election projections. It updates every ten minutes, and will be shut down once real votes are coming in.

- A second map for the actual results as (if) they come in.

- An ersatz news network roundtable ("3NN") which will announce poll closings, results and anything else. The anchorman is Guy Simpleton, host of The Simulation Room.

- A mailbox looking thing that, if you click on it, will tell you any voter registration rules and information for your state.

- A cop who threatens you if you touch him, but is eventually helpful and steers you towards the voter information mailbox.

- Two riots outside, one with anti-maskers, one with Antifa-type people.

- A city hall to protest at.

- A crowd of people who were banned for harassment gathered on the edge of the sim, seething.

- A staff of people who will eject anyone who disturbs people.

We hope you take advantage of this fine resource if you are online for election night. We ask that you come in peace and conduct yourself all proper-like. Duncan designed this as an informational resource, not a steel cage match. I hunted all around SL, there is no resource like this anywhere.

Vote early and often!

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