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Friday, October 30, 2020

GeekSpeak – Is there life after lockdown? Join the discussion Oct 31st at 12pm SLT

Will we have to wear masks forever?  Never visit a restaurant again?  Will we work from home forever?  Will office buildings become obsolete?  Will we order all our food online in future and never again visit a foreign country?

Or will things get back to normal, the old normal?  We hope it will of course.  But what will have changed when the dust has settled and we crawl out of our houses again?  Let’s prepare for that future and explore what will have changed, perhaps forever. 

Do you see any good coming out of the pandemic and the lockdowns?  The end of cities?  The feeling that we must help each other?  Or is it all bad?

Bring your friends.  No need for testing, SL is virus-safe 😊

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at 1pm SLT in the GeekSpeak auditorium, if you have ideas for new subjects.

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