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Tuesday, August 25, 2020


If you look in the dictionary for the phrase “Quality Entertainment”, you will most likely see a picture of Sapphire Beach Club (SBC).  Long known for presenting some of the best and hottest live entertainment on the Grid, SBC has recently reopened following a complete rebuild. The Sinclair family has done a bang-up job too.  I was recently given a sneak preview of some of the new areas designed to delight and entertain even the most discerning of SL Visitors, and believe me folks when I say this is one place you have to see for yourself!
Recently I was able to sit down with SBC co-owner, the lovely and gracious Claudine Sinclair, as she discussed the exciting changes of late.

Josh Bellic (JB):  Claudine, I recall visiting Sapphire Beach Club back in 2019, and was impressed with it then ( )   How has Sapphire Beach Club changed and how is it different from the other Beach Clubs out there?
Claudine Sinclair Jewell (claudine.jewell): (SC): We are different from other places in that we have a variety of events and venues.  These are constantly changing, and we continually offer our guests new places where they can have fun. We have a welcoming attitude towards everybody in SL and of course we have an exceptional staff.  In fact, we have the most professional and best run team I can imagine. But the BEST way to find out about the Sapphire difference is to ask our guests :)

JB:    You mentioned your staff.  Can you share with me something about the key staff members here?
Claudine and John Sinclair own the Sim. Amber Sinclair is our Manager. Christine Sinclair is our Host Manager. Maggie Sinclair is our Assistant, Ace Sinclair is our Promoter and of course we work together with Live Artists, DJ's, Tribute Bands, Dancers. 
John, Claudine and Amber have worked together since May of 2019.  Christine and Ace joined in October of 2019.  Foxxy started hosting at Sapphire this year and Maggie joined our Team at the end of July 2020.  We are like a family and we are blessed with a supportive crew. I love them and I can't imagine my SL without them.
JB:    What changes have you made since the last build?
The whole Sim has changed and has a totally different layout now with many places for new Venues. We have always stressed LIVE events, and now we have MORE live events than at any time in the past.  
At our New Beach we have a Natural Pool with Waterfalls, a Grotto, a Tropical Beach Lounge, along with many other private beaches, cute little shops, and of course the big Tropical Hill / Skyhill. We will be adding Game Tables and Beach Loungers in the weeks ahead to make these places even more enjoyable for our guests.

JB:    What are the inspirations for your ideas? How do you come up with these themes?
We take inspiration from wherever it comes, and in whatever form.   Some ideas are inspired by people.  Others may be inspired by a movie theme, or perhaps from a song.  Just about anything can serve as our inspiration.
JB:    Is this a complete rebuild, or were they just major modifications to a few areas?
Oh yes.  We did a complete rebuild of the Sim – from the ground level up.  We have several brand-new concert venues, and we can accommodate anything from smaller, more intimate gatherings in a club, to full blown stadium events with room for hundreds of guests.

JB:  I see that in addition to the base Region, you also seem to have several Skyboxes.  What is up there? It seems like they are an important part of your operation here and part of what makes SBC unique among clubs.
We currently have one Full Region and quite a few Skyboxes.  The number of skyboxes changes with the season, or with the inspiration. In addition to our standard favorites, we create seasonally themed spaces as well.  We shift the landing point around from venue to venue, depending on the specific event at the time, so our guests don’t have to walk from a static landing point all over creation to wherever the event happens to be.  We drop them off right at the door to the event. 
We use skyboxes to mix it up and for themed parties a lot.......the current ones are ...
  • The Universe: Our First skybox we created was “The Universe”. That theme turned out particularly cool as a skybox. 
  • The Stadium: The Stadium skybox was built because we used to host tribute Events. The Tribute Bands mostly use bigger stages and need more space for guests. We built a Skybox especially for a Baby Metal Tribute, and we put the Stadium up so we have space for future Tribute Bands. 
  • The third current venue is the Country Barn. We built that for our Country Event which lasted a weekend and it was so popular that we decided to keep it. Complete with a mechanical bull, you can almost smell the scent of fresh-cut hay bales in the loft and animals roaming the premises.
We also had a set up for a Dance Show so we have stools we can put out there. The stage we have there now is used for Live Singers. We have tentative plans to host another Tribute Show one day when we can work out the details. 
Skyboxes come and go all the time, and we change them with the season. We had one for Halloween; another one for Valentine’s Day.  John also built one with a Cat Tree theme, but they’re not rezzed anymore. We had a winter themed one as well, that filled an entire region.

JB:    Which area here is your personal favorite?
Claudine Sinclair: I’m undecided.  I like all the areas. I like the change so it never gets stale. 
Amber Sinclair: I love the beautiful natural pool at the bottom of the waterfalls.  There are some amazing “Kodak Moments” for the budding photographer, making this an ideal location for events.
John Sinclair: The Natural Pool with the Waterfalls is indeed a very special place. I also like the Grotto.  I think we can host a number of great events there. But in the final analysis, I really end up liking the entire Sim.  Wherever you go, it’s.
JB:    So, what’s next?  How can we learn about any big events coming up?
SC:  Certainly Josh.  We maintain a full calendar of all our events at:  Check it out for a full line up or all our activities
JB:    Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
We appreciate every Visitor, Guest, Group or Social Media Member who takes time to come and visit us, and wish to thank you all so much for your continuous Support. We try to keep our place Drama free but it's not easy in SL. We have also had our share of weird experiences and we cannot make everyone happy but in the end we do it all for the people and the great community in SL. We are paying, planning and organizing so people can have a good time and an immersive experience at Sapphire BC while listening to the best Live Artists.  Check us out in person, or visit our Facebook pages at 

So there you have it, folks.  Sapphire Beach Club: A Paradise in Pixels.  Check it out.  You’ll be glad you did.
Be there!  Aloha!

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