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Saturday, July 11, 2020

F.L.M. Summer Festival - Proudly supporting KIKA July 11th and 12th

TELEPORT NOW! is an initiative from a small group of people to raise money for a Dutch charity program.

This year is chosen for KiKa, the Dutch Children Cancer Society.

In the Netherlands dies every 3 days a child with cancer. This has to change!

Children Cancer is the cause of death number 1 amongst children. Maybe you even know somebody who has sadly experienced this.
1 on 4 children doesn’t survive Children Cancer.
With your help has KiKa the possibility to pay for more research about Children Cancer and to make Children Cancer a disease from the past.

Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July is your opportunity to help us raise the money we wanna donate to KiKa.
On these days 20 Artists will perform a great show for everyone and we hope to see you all on one of these days or both and give what you can miss
The more people the more donations the more money we can donate to KiKa.

We can’t make this event without your help! So note the date, be here maybe ask a request and donate.

On behalf of KiKa, the team but most of all on behalf of all the children and their parents, siblings who have to deal with Children Cancer we say:
Thank you! Thank You for helping with your donation. You make the world more beautiful!

Media Chanel's:

If you wanna stay informed Inworld then copy the next line and past it in local to become a member of our inworld group: secondlife:///app/group/146271b8-4d2a-34c6-dab0-c39f6320e27b/about

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