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Monday, July 27, 2020


One of the fun parts of writing for a major SL Publication like the SL Enquirer is that I get to see many of the BEST sims on the grid. And, true to form, Eris Isle is certainly among the Best of the Best. Whether you are looking for romance, adventure, fantasy, art, or just a really neat place to while away the hours while you get your daily dose of SecondLife, Eris Isle is THE place to be. I caught up with Pablo Nova and Co-Owner Karma Koppel the other day and they graciously agreed to answer a few questions about their pixeled creation.

JOSH BELLIC (JB): Hi there Pablo and Karma. Thanks for agreeing to take time out of the creative process and speak to me. So then, what can you tell me about the Eris Ise difference? What makes Eris distinctive among the hundreds of other sims out there?

Pablo Nova (PN): Eris Isle is in many ways like other sims. We offer photogenic experiences, DJ/live music events, art exhibitions, backdrops, romance settings, weddings, rentals, and many fun and beautiful places to explore. What makes us different is in our presentation. With a 30K prim sim, we decided to go 99% mesh. That gave us the resources to design the sim with a reasonably realistic natural look. It took weeks of carefully laying down landforms, rocks, cliff/mountain faces, beaches, grass (omg grass), bushes, shrubs, trees, and a few structures to ultimately create what Eris Isle is today. We spent hours upon hours exploring other sims and perusing the marketplace in an attempt to find the highest quality objects to make the best-looking sim possible. We think we at least achieved a unique look, something that you won't see elsewhere in Second Life. And, that's not even mentioning the things we built up in the sky!

JB: So, tell me guys. Where did the idea come from for Eris Isle? What was your inspiration?

PN: Eris Isle brings together all the things we love about SL. We wanted to build a community around those interests. We started off with a small parcel of land and kept talking about all the things we wanted to do. The ideas kept growing and we expanded into larger parcels of land until we quite impulsively acquired the sim. Our inspiration simply comes from our love of SL. Eris Isle is our way of giving back to the SL community.

JB: What sorts of things can people do at Eris Isle? What can they expect when they get to the Landing Area?

PN: Exploration and photography are the main activities of the sim. From the welcome area, one can go either right or left and ultimately make a full circle back to the welcome area. Along the way, they'll discover numerous fun things to do and see. If someone wants a quick overview, we do offer automated hot air balloon tours of the sim! While the ground level is meant for exploration and hanging out, we also offer a few things up in the sky including a vast backdrop collection and photographic studio area; a themed Cyberpunk venue called "The Compound"; automated wedding services; and an art gallery and ballroom. Altogether, Eris Isle has 3 venues and hosts DJs and musicians from all genres of music.

JB: I saw you have a place called “Seaside Shores”.... It looks like a throwback to the 1960s? What is Seaside Shores all about?

PN: I'm really glad you saw that. I think subconsciously I wanted something akin to a vintage artist commune look to the area.

JB: And what about “The Compound”? Now THAT looks like a scene straight out of a B-rated monster movie like Godzilla or Mothra.

PN: The idea was to mix older Japanese buildings with a few sci-fi or dystopian props to give it a darkish cyberpunk look. It is one of three venues at Eris Isle and is also a themed photogenic area for making videos or taking photos.

JB: I am loving “Backdrops”. In fact, I have already shared that with a couple of my photographer friends. What an AWESOME collection you have there. What is THAT all about?

PN: Backdrops are another aspect of being a photography sim. Eris Isle ground level and "The Compound" are all themed areas meant to attract SL artists to come and use the assets of the sim for their own creativity. The 100s of backdrops we offer is just us trying to offer visitors as many photographic opportunities as possible. We want you to stay on our sim! Also, backdrops are cool.

JB: Eris Isle truly does look like a photographer’s Paradise. Are either of you photographers in RL?

PN: I was an amateur photographer and digital photographic artist in a previous life time.

JB: Pablo and Karma…I see you are not only partners here, but RL partners as well. How did you happen to get involved in SecondLife together? Could you share some of that story as well?

PN: We met in SecondLife and within a couple of months made the move to RL. We've been living happily together for over 2 years and only recently got back into SL when we decided to start Eris Isle.

JB: I understand you sometimes host events here? Where might our readers go to see “What’s Happening” at Eris Isle?

PN: Yes, it has always been our intention to be an events-driven sim. There are a couple of places people can go to see what’s happening. You can check out the Eris Isle Facebook page at : Or, if you are more into the visual, you can go to the Eris Isle Flickr site at: Additionally, they can join Eris Isle Events, the name of our free SL group.

JB: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

PN: Eris Isle is a place of expansive beauty. If you haven't visited yet, please come and have a look and join our group to keep up-to-date with all of our events. We also want you to know that we are a safe space and do not discriminate or condone any type of violence or hate speech. We built Eris Isle to be a place of love. So, please come and spend some time with us!

So, there you have it, folks. Eris Isle is a place you do NOT want to miss. Rarely will you find such an eclectic assembly of romance, cyberpunk, photography, sea, and sand all wrapped up in one beautiful package. So much to see in a single visit. This will definitely make it onto your “favs” list.

But don’t take MY word for it – go see it for yourself.

Eris Isle! Be there! Aloha!!



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