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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

AVIE POLL- What do SL Men & Women look for in the perfect partner - GiaBlossom Reporting

Finding love in Second Life is just as hard as finding one in Real Life. It is said that it happens when you are not looking. How much of this is true, I don't know. I am yet to experience one but I have seen many who have been together for years and their love has transcended to real life. 

For those like me, we wonder who would be our perfect be? Almost a week back I asked this random question, “What do you look for in a Perfect Partner in SL?” to find out what others think of it. What I expected was a few of my friends and family to reply back. After 10 hours, however, there were over a 100 replies to this random question and still counting. A random question turned viral.

Credits - Sherief (idetective), In the picture are Avi Hunter and Keira Yiwama, Sherief and Sarah.

In this short article I might not be able to share all the views of all the people who participated by replying to the post. But thanks to them, I wanted to share their views with you dear readers. 

Lori Jamee Sandalwood Loeffler - COO at The Best of Second Life and the founder of Models giving back says,”Honesty, loyalty, trustworthy, treats me really well and always has “our” best interest in mind, not just mine. Well, now you know what I have in Matt. No lies, no hiding things - it’s comfortable, like it has always been there and I never doubt anything that he is saying to me. He keeps his word every time. Ability to communicate! Add that to the list - you have to be able to talk to each other openly freely.”

Morgan Whitfield Firehawk - Miss Virtual World 2020, designer/owner of HEELS, founder of Care and Hope Center says, “I too find loyalty very important. Also someone who is supportive and listens to you. Plus having things in common.”

Cain Saunders who recently got engaged says, “How would I describe her? Ever been outside on a really cold day where the wind almost feels like a knife cutting you. Then you walk in a house and its nice, warm and welcoming. She is that house. A day where your working outside, and the sun is beating you up and you feel like you have taken a shower with your clothes on. You go inside and the air is on and you get a refreshing cold drink. She is that drink and air. When you visit a tourist site like Niagara Falls for instance, and you see the power, beauty and are in awe of what you see. That's her. When your a kid on Christmas morning, and you open up the present to reveal you got exactly what you wanted. That’s her. When a tragedy happens and it is pain and suffering and hurt, but then the love after all people coming together to show love and support. Showing power of togetherness, showing the ability to rise above hate. Yes that's her. So yea those are just a few examples of how I would describe my Tam.”

Rose Mikaelson -- Founder of Miss Globe Universal says, “Someone who is honest, truthful, respectful, loyal, protective, share common interest but not afraid of being different, similar taste in music, style, grace, appreciation, unique, passion, balance life, support, values family and friendship, peaceful, chivalry, understands how to operate a business and loves dogs to name a few.”

Fiore Quintesson says, “Agree, honesty and loyalty. No mind games. No alts games. My ex gave it to me in a fat pack. But thanks to him I met the one I love with all my heart. Raffaelo Monastir is the one who suits me in everything and a man I dreamt in RL and SL.”

Starbaby Perl says, “If you are looking for a perfect partner, then make an alt and have him/her as your partner. It will be just like playing Barbie and Ken. You can make him look and act any way you want.”

Kye Mae says, “It's hard when many say I just keep it in SL. It's hard not to as there is a person behind that avatar. I mean you must be so emotionless to not even feel anything towards them. I met my partner in sl, but we never did play SL, we took it to rl and 10 years later we are still married. So good things do come to those who are genuine and want to have trust, love and loyalty.”

The data I took was from the first 24 hours of all the answers combined. Here are the qualities that most people are looking for in broad categories. 

Honesty, Loyalty, Trustworthy, Keeps couple interest in mind, Keeps promises, Communicates, Similarities, Comfort, Inspiring, Dissimilarities, Appreciate, Personality, Gives space, Nothing perfect, Waits to be intimate, Not perfect, Has money, Is a Friend, Pet Lover and Not interested.

In the picture are Avi Hunter and Keira Yiwama

A perfect partner according to me is someone who balances my personality with similar and dissimilar tastes. Someone who has fun like a friend, scolds like a sibling and loves like a lover. 

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