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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Hogan's Heroes of the Music Scene - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 Music is a great influencer in many of our lives. It provides entertainment, brings back memories and many times is relatable to what is going on with us emotionally. There is an assortment of talents that grace the stages of Second Life. On any giving day or hour, you can find a concert.  Each singer has their own fan base and unique story to tell.
The SL Enquirer recently came across Hogan Baily at another musician’s concert over the weekend.  It is great to see how the music community comes out to support each other’s music. This type of support is the reason the music scene in SL has thrived for years.

It is always exciting meeting new talent and learning more about them. With the vastness of Second Life, it could take years before bumping into someone who has been around for over a decade. Such is the case with Hogan.

Hogan Baily arrived on the grid on January 10, 2009, soon after,  he started performing. His music style virtually covers every genre. When asked what music meant to him, he said Music is Life and he is right.
Interview with Hogan Baily 

How did you discover Second Life and get involved in the music scene? 

Hogan: I downloaded Second Life back in 2008 when a friend of mine (a woman) started playing.  Hogan was not my first avatar or even my second.  He was the third, and I've never really spent time on the others since then.  I was dating a girl back then (Saffron Albatros) who started off a singing career in SL.  After some encouragement from her, I gave it a go.

How long have you been performing in RL and in SL?

Hogan: My first show in SL was in a country venue in October of 2009.  It was pretty awful.  In fact, I think for the first four years of doing shows I had no confidence, and it was evident in the performances.  I'm surprised anyone showed up at all.

What Genres do you cover?

Hogan: That's a handful there.  I started off doing country almost exclusively, so I've been tagged as a country singer.  I've moved into virtually every genre of music at this point.  My song list, available at the shows, has over 1200 listings.  I work hard on finding songs that I have fun singing, and songs that other SL performers don't sing ad nauseam.  I want to be unique at least.  I said from the beginning that when SL shows start to feel like a job, I'll quit.  So far, so good =)

Who are your top covered artists?

Hogan: On occasion, I do a Johnny Cash tribute show, with facts and snippets from his life along with about 15 songs from his long career.  Also, I have the most fun singing songs from bands with lots of energy, like The Boss, J. Geils Band, ZZ Top, George Thorogood, Billy Joel, etc.

Do you write your own music?

Hogan: I do have two originals on YouTube.  Not great, but they're mine LOL.

What instruments do you play? 

Hogan: I only play guitar, and not even well.  I do use percussive items during my shows, like cowbells, tambourines, woodblocks, shakers, and whistles.  Like I said previously, I like to have fun!  I almost never drag the guitar out for live shows.  I like interaction with the audience, and I find it's very hard to do well when I have my hands full of the guitar.                

How often do you perform in Second Life?

Hogan: I usually do just one show a night, sometimes two.  I expend a lot of energy during a show, and I don't want to hold back just because I have two more shows later on.  I also don't think it's fair to venue owners if you have five shows a day.  I figure you thin out your audience because they're not likely to be there for every show.  That's the way I feel about it anyway.  I won't schedule back-to-back shows either.  You have to impose on the venue and the other performers and I don't think its right.

Define what music means to you?

Hogan: Music is life and emotion.  There are songs that make you cry, make you laugh... songs that make you dance or at least tap your feet.

Which musician influenced you the most?

Hogan: I think maybe Peter Wolf from J. Geils Band has been most influential to my style of singing.  Not necessarily the best, but gives 100% every show, every song.  That's what I strive for every show.  At the end of a show, I'll be out of breath, sweating like crazy.  I have to stand for the whole show.  I can't breathe right when I'm sitting down, and I have to move when I sing.

For booking who can fans contact?

Hogan: I don't have a manager.  I handle all inquiries myself.

What is your fee:

Hogan: I ask the venue for L$2000 per show.  I know most other performers are charging 3k, 4k, and even 5k per show, but I'm of the opinion that I don't want venues going broke because of me.  Too many have closed for financial reasons.

Is there anything else you would like to share with The SL Enquirer? Maybe a shout out to your Hogans Hi Steppers?

Hogan: I'd like to thank Savannah Coronet for the Hi Steppers.  She always had dancers at her shows and she had them dancing at my shows as well.  They evolved into their own entity.  I don't run them or tell them what to do or wear.  Rainey Silverweb is doing a fantastic job with hiring, scheduling, coordinating wardrobe, and hudding the dances.

 "I truly enjoy performing.  If I can make someone smile through my talent, there is no greater joy.  Once I take the stage, I hold nothing back."  - Hogan Baily

Additional Information:

Join my group in Second Life!

Song List:


Bookings Contact: IM Hogan Baily

The SL Enquirer
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