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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Look Into Modeling Agencies- Sarah Elisabeth Brenham Reporting...

We live in a world of constant change. This fact also does indeed imply to virtual universes. So, it is always refreshing to see something stand the test of time. Today we are going to see how one such thing has been able to stay relevant throughout the years.

Let me just jump in real quick before I reveal the day's feature presentation and say that my choice may seem like an obvious one, but I do ask that you stick with me to the end, as I feel that there is an important life lesson to be learned from all of this. Okay, onward we go!
Modeling agencies first opened their doors in 1924 and the fashion industry has never been the same since.  They have allowed clothing and accessory designers to showcase their wares on a global scale. 

Modeling agencies are businesses and like all companies, they must be committed to satisfying the ever changing needs of the public. if they want to become a permanent fixture throughout history. Today's society has fashion that accommodates all ethnicities, interests and body types. Although it is now easier more than ever to find work as a model, for some, hurdles are still in their way. This is where the beauty of virtual realities, such as Second Life, can make the dreams of those who aspire to walk a runway come true. Now I know some will say that experiences online versuses offline are not the same. While that is true, it doesn't mean though it can't be just as good.

So, if you have ever felt the calling to become a model or simply just want to see if it's the fit for you and can not do so in Real Life for one reason or another, I have put together a list of agencies in Second life that I feel could give you the best tastes of a model's life. Check them out below!

1. HC Productions & Modeling Agency, owned by HadleyCarrington-Styles (hadleycarrington), first came on the scene to SL in September 2019. Ms. Styles's original aspiration was to only have a production company, but upon further reflection, she decided to add-on a modeling agency to it and has never looked back since.  HC Productions & Modeling Agency specializes in the continuing education and expansion of the careers of their models.

2. K.MICHAELS ACADEMY & AGENCY, spearheaded by Sᴀᴅᴅɪɪ Kʀɪsᴛᴏᴘʜᴇʀ Mɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ (saddii), opened their doors in 2019. The goal of this business is very simple: Mr. Michael's just wants to share everything he has learned as a model so that others in the industry may succeed.

3. Audace, run by DebbieDoo Tigerfish, entered the pool of modeling agencies Second Life in 2015. Ms. Tigerfish's dream was to own her agency.  Over the years, Audace has gained the respect of many other modeling agencies, which is a key component to their success.

4. L'Amour Productions & Model Management, owned by Ava Jhamin, has been on the SL grid since 2011. Ms. Jhamin wanted to open a modeling agency that welcomed models who wanted to take ownership of their own career. This innovative concept has lead to the longevity of this business.

5. Models Giving Back, spearheaded by Jamee (jamee.sandalwood), opened their doors in 2012. The purpose of this modeling agency is to raise money and awareness for different causes via fashion shows and shopping events. It is my hope that more modeling agencies like this one pop up on the Second Life grid.

So there you have it; little insight into modeling agencies and some resources to break into the industry, even if it's just online. Oh, and remember the life lesson that I mentioned earlier? The life lesson is that all dreams can come true, some just might need to be re-imagined and/or require a little creativity to make them happen.


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