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Monday, May 25, 2020


A mere decade and a half ago, SecondLife was born, destined to become THE standard by which hundreds of other virtual worlds are measured. Unfortunately, some Sims and Regions have captured the imagination…only to be here one day, and gone the next,  as ethereal as the pixels they are made of.  Who among us hasn’t mourned the passing of some of our favorite venues…Toby’s House of Blues, Greenies, Wild Coast, or the Franks Entertainment Group?   Some of these places experience a rebirth, like the New Franks.   But for every amazing sim that disappears forever, another Sim, more amazing, more beautiful, and even MORE entertaining, rises to take its place.  And That, my friends, is the subject of today’s Feature.  The brainchild of veteran Sim builder, Petra Steele,  “Steele's Pointe” is the epitome of all that is good on the Grid today.   I managed to catch up to Petra as she was putting the finishing touches on her sim in preparation for their Grand Opening May 30 and 31, 2020, and she was kind enough to take a few minutes to show me around.

Josh Bellic (JB): So, tell me Petra. Just what is it that makes Steele's Pointe unique in SecondLife, a land with thousands of other sims?  What is it you are trying to do here?

Petra Steele (PS): Good question, Josh.  We feel strongly that work must proceed from a clear and intentional mission. and we put our hearts, talents and energies into fulfilling ours.  When I considered this question of "What is our mission?"  The words that immediately came to mind were: Art, Romance, Laughter.  We believe these three elements are essential in evoking joy.  We very much want to be able to contribute to the ever-emerging culture of SL, as well as, offer our own contribution by establishing three venues which represent each of the three elements of joy listed above.

JB: OK. Let’s take a look at these one at a time.  How do you plan to address “Art” at Steeles Pointe?

PS: We’re excited to say we’re reopening “PETRA's ~ A Live Music Venue”.  It is housed in a large open-air pavilion spiced with a Middle Eastern themed decor.  Colorful, comfortable seating areas flank the large dance floor and an elevated stage/performance area.  While the club casts an aura of elegance, the atmosphere is relaxed, warm and inviting which allows both our artists and our guests to have an intimate, interactive experience.  The hosts of PETRA's are gracious and skilled, never failing to make each guest welcome.  You will recognize them in their black or white harem girl gowns.  We like to craft our lineups so that we can present many hours of nonstop live music, a kind of smaller version of a music festival.  We try to do our best to encourage your desire to stay and enjoy even more. Check out our Grand Opening Schedule below

JB:  Excellent.  And the Romance?  How will you approach this important element of your mission statement?

PS:  With, among other things, The Pointe Ballroom.  This venue is the absolute jewel in our crown.  A three chambered build, the interior of which is buttressed by towering trees with winding, tangled branches with many sizes and intensities of hanging lights.

The atmosphere is at once romantic and ethereal.  The interior decor has a pallet of gold and platinum metallic and white textures. Brass and silver planters holding large white blossoms of baby's breath festoon the perimeters while towering mirrors and candelabrum lend an air of stateliness and times past.  The Ballroom features live singers and DJs.  Attire is semi-formal and currently the Ballroom presents programing on Tuesdays. 

JB:  And finally, Laughter.  I have generally found SL to be a fun place, but not really a place known for outright Laughter. How do you plan to address tis on your Sim? 

PS:  With a Comedy Club, of course.  We have named it The Knock Knock Room!

This little comedy club has big goals, namely, to increase the presence of live comedy establishments in SL.  The club will offer open mic standup comedy and Improv. Coming from a performing arts background myself, I will be performing an original standup routine.  We are eager to have many more comedians and comediennes perform at The Knock Knock Room and encourage you to give either Open Mic or Improv a try.  I will also offer workshops on Improv, something I’ve done for several years on other sims.  The club itself is small and intimate. Choose your seat, either a black and white Jester’s chairs, or the innovative audience reaction chair equipped with sounds and gestures to let the performer know how you feel.

JB:  Those are some amazing chairs, Petra.  I tried one the other day, and it  actually let me applaud, roar with laughter, hoot, and any of about a dozen reactions I might have at a RL Comedy club.  So, that addresses the “Big Three”.  What else can guests look forward to at Steele Pointe?

PS:  Lots of things, Josh.  Our landing point is on the path between Petra's and the large fountain with wild horses.  Stands of beech, oak and maple trees and winding stone paths lead to our various venues but are also equipped with many areas for photo ops, cuddling, or just spending calm happy moments alone. You will see many statues in this area as well as around the Ballroom.  Two of them represent gods of Olympus, Mars and Psyche. There are tango sculptures and a man being pulled by his hot air balloon (located just above the ballroom's central chamber.

Behind the beach and boardwalk, you will find two amusement rides.  The Carousel is a bit on the kinky side to ride at your own risk. The Ferris Wheel also has it own set of surprises. Click on one gondola and have a seat giving you a great view of the entire sim.  Click on another and find yourself holding on for dear life hanging off the back of the gondola, your poor legs kicking frantically in the air. 

JB:   Anything else we should look for?

PS:  Near the residential area and across from the fountain is the Diva Stone Memorial Support Center, designed for individuals whose relations are mostly limited to online contact.  The internet relationship is still little understood.  Those who have not experienced one tend to look down on it as not quite real, and clinical support services for such couples is limited to nonexistent. The Center offers: lectures which refer to research on the subject of online relations; small group meetings and couples consultation. While I am a licensed psychoanalyst I am retired and no longer do clinical work. This is important to note as NO manner of therapy or analysis will be offered or given.  Our services are supportive in method and intent.

There is a Portrait Studio where you can have your profile photo taken or a shot with your loved one or friend.  We also have 2 Ye OIde Gacha Resale Shops, just across the path from the portrait studio. One shop offers apparel, the other home decor and miscellaneous pieces, many rare and uncommon.  All economically priced.  What could be better than coming to hear one of our great performers and get your Christmas shopping done early

Here you go, Folks.  This will be the opening to beat all openings,  Steele’s Pointe, May 30 and 31.

Be there!  Aloha! – JB

For more information, check out their FaceBook page at:


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