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Saturday, February 15, 2020

GeekSpeak – Disruption! Why does technological disruption happen? Join the discussion February 15th at 12pm SLT

A disruptive technology displaces an earlier technology and changes the society it exists in.  The car disrupted the horse technology, the telephone disrupted the telegraph.  What makes a technology disruptive?  And how can we see it coming?  What will be the next great disruptor?  Will it ever end?  Will there be something like the Last Disruptor?  Or will we forever move forward in big, unexpected shocks?  Or could we move backwards?
Is it only technology that is affected by disruptors?  Can there be philosophical, religious, political disruptors?

Come and discuss why we are so bad at seeing the future that we often get surprised by disruptions.  Bring your friends!

IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class every Wednesday at the GeekSpeak auditorium at 1pm SLT, if you have ideas for new subjects.

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