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Friday, January 10, 2020


“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
-Arthur C. Clarke

For all you Science Fiction fans out there, have we got a New Years treat for YOU.  This issue of SL Enquirer we take a look at one of the hottest Sc-Fi projects to hit the ethosphere in decades.

AWAKENING is an epic sci-fi adventure story of disclosure and extraterrestrial beings effecting developments on Planet Earth over a period of millions of years and their encounter with a reluctant hero and his journey into a distant place and time.

It is the year 2048. Alien captives unite to take back their power from their human masters and embrace the secrets of the mysterious quality of their psychic powers as they suddenly start to “awaken”. 

Working on pure intuition, with little time and limited resources, our hero - John Doe - decides he must help save the Scaliens and Humans from the destructive hostile elements and create a new unified world and harmonious civilization.

I recently had the pleasure of communicating with Douglas W. Green (SL Avatar Doc Grun), Author of The AWAKENING Project, and Lou CasaBianca, Editor.  Their answers were intriguing as they explained their unique and entertaining project.

Josh Bellic (JB): A quick review of your website shows blogs, books, podcasts, articles, and movie? Can you describe for our readers please, just what is “The Awakening” project all about?

Doc Grun (DG): The Awakening Project is a multi-level traditional and digital media project designed to be at the forefront of user-interactive experience, putting you literally side-by-side inside the story with the characters or even becoming a character in the action. The book started it all, then came the filming of teasers and trailers in Second Life, followed by discussions with interested parties for animated and/or live action versions of the story.

JB:  What is the story about?

DG: The story is about the impact of alien intervention in human evolution. How did humans suddenly make enormous leaps in technological advancements that do not follow the normal path of discovery evolution? Who helped humans advance along this path? And why? What was and is their reason for helping us? Are they benevolent strangers, or patient invaders?

JB:  When did you first get the idea for this story?

DG:  I have had this idea for over 10-years. I have always wondered how humans evolved to where we are so quickly. I started writing the book about 10-years ago, and finished 3-years ago, along the way with many changes and additions influenced by current events.

JB:  Where do you get your inspiration for this project

DG:  My wonder of what is beyond the next hill, next planet, next galaxy. Where are we going? How will we get there? and what will we find when we arrive?  My literary hero, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, wrote to me in a personal handwritten letter and advised that I should always look beyond the next horizon, for it is there I would find my destiny. This has guided me since early childhood.

JB:  Describe your writing regimen. What disciplines do you exercise when writing?

DG:  Many writers sketch out their story in outline form, then go back and flesh it out. I just started writing. I saw the entire saga in my mind as clearly as if I had already written it. I knew where I was going and I knew how to get there.  I could almost not keep up with the ideas rushing out of my head looking to be recorded on paper.
JB:  Just how did you and Lou first get together, and what does he contribute to the Awakening Project?

DG:  Lou and I met in Second Life several years ago, where he was using Second Life as a platform for virtual world filmmaking and live events. He is also a committed sci-fi fan and writer/director — and actually met, spoke with and was inspired by Arthur C. Clarke via satellite in the late eighties. We shared similar visions and I approached him about my idea, and together we have set our course. Lou is a pioneer in the new media and virtual reality creative, technology and production. He has worked with many well-known individuals (e.g. George Lucas, Francis Coppola, Ray Kurzweil) and companies (e.g. Apple, Disney, Sony) that continue to set the bar for entertainment. I knew I had the right partner.

JB:  What other writing projects are you working on now? Is there a sequel in mind?

DG:  "Awakening - The Eye Of The Scalien" is actually Book 1 in a trilogy of novels set in this universe of wonderment and contradiction. Book 2 is entitled "Awakening - Earthflight" and is actually a prequel to Book 1. Book 3 is a sequel to Book 1, and has the working title of "Awakening - Evolution.” Lou is leading on the screen adaption and interactive video game aspects of the creative content platform, as well as focusing on the project business and production development process.

JB: Tell us about The Awakening Science Courses. How developed are those?

DG:  Lou also introduced the concept of developing the “Science behind the Awakening the Science Fiction” project as companion courses geared to K-12 students who need to be prepared for the technology and engineering career opportunities that the future holds for them. We are working on courses that delve into such things as 'What is a Black Hole?' - 'How do lasers work?' - 'What is the true meaning of light speed?' and 'Is antimatter propulsion a real possibility?' We are also producing a Podcasts series and a YouTube Channel with invited guests sessions for both live and recorded Awakening content.

JB:  How might our readers get a copy of The Awakening?

DG:  "Awakening - The Eye Of The Scalien' is currently available on Amazon Kindle as an Ebook. The link is

The soundtrack and audiobook will be available after the first of the year, as well. This Spring, as ebook sales continue to grow, we anticipate publishing hard and softcover print editions to be distributed via Amazon as well as our own project website store at,

JB:  Anything else you would like to share with our SLE readers?

DG:  The audiobook version which will soon be available on Amazon as mentioned above was read by the author (Yours Truly), doing all the voices for all characters. Six-hours of the history of Man's Evolution, with a little help from our friends. Or ARE they our friends? Listen and find out for yourself.

The audiobook series is currently available on Spotify by searching 'Awakening Chronicles.' Chapters 1 and 2 are online now, with upcoming subscriptions available for the remainder of the book.

So, there you have it folks.  Check out “Awakening - The Eye Of The Scalien” available wherever kick-butt sci-fi stories are found.  

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