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Sunday, January 5, 2020


Just when you think you have seen everything, along comes something so cute…so adorable…so completely enamoring….that it will knock your socks off. I’m talking about Animesh Babies. Remember the Meroo Craze that took off a few years back - those cute little hamster/rabbit thingies that cooed and hopped around all day? Well, Meroos are to Animesh Babies what Pleistocene era cave drawings are to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. You have simply GOT to see these things!
With the advent of pregnancy apps, women across the grid finally had the capability to experience pregnancy and birth, SL style. The challenge became, however, once you have “given birth”, what’s next?  Enter….(wait for it)…Animesh Babies! The best to be found anywhere on the entire grid are found at K-Mae Island.
I caught up with K-Mae as he was putting the finishing touches on his new sim. K-Mae Island has everything the discerning buyer of prim babies could ever need, including Clothing Stores, Toy Stores, a Tailor Shop, a Beauty Parlor, Dance studio, Grocery Store, and even a Day Care Center for the little tykes while you head off to work. K-Mae graciously gave of his time to answer a few questions for me.

Josh Bellic (JB):  tell me K-Mae, what is the purpose of K-Mae Island? Tell us something about your community there?
K-Mae (KM): K-Mae Island is a place where people of SL can come to relax, do a little fishing at our 7-seas pond areas, or do some shopping for their K-Mae children. We offer the best quality animesh and legacy prim children for the lowest price available with several options to choose from, and lots of Creative Partner shopping right here on the island.
JB:  In a world where unusual names are the norm, K-Mae certainly qualifies as unusual. What does it mean, and how did you arrive at it?

KM: The name K-Mae is my RL daughter's nickname, as her name is Kayley Mae. I thought this name for the baby brand would be ideal, as I made these with her (as a baby) in mind. Her mannerisms and charm shine through in these virtual babies.

 JB:  Soo...just what IS an “Animesh Baby”?  Aren’t Animesh those folks who drive buggies and eschew modern conveniences in Pennsylvania?

KM:  Animesh is short for Animated Objects. The technology came to mainstream Second Life early in 2019, and was in Beta before then. We released our first animesh baby (Cherub style) in January 2019 and have been steadily adding to the lineup since, adding the NonCherub line and most recently Animesh Newborns. With Animesh technology we're able to make a more realistically moving prim baby, as it uses animations much like an avatar would, as opposed to moving a bunch of shaped prims around to emulate life.

 JB: Are you doing this on your own, or do you have help?
(KM):  I am making the items and the babies myself, as well as the scripts. I do have longtime friends in Second Life though who I have worked with in the past who I can rely on when I have a question regarding scripting techniques. We have a group of nice people called Creative Partners who create for the babies as well. They bring their impeccable talent to the table to help this community be the best anywhere. They create textures for the kits I provide as well as using meshes they create (in conjunction with script kits I offer) for furniture, toys, hairstyles and other nice items. Doing all of this alone would truly be a feat, if near impossible, in the time we've been here, so I am very thankful for the Creative Partners and friends.

 JB: What types of “products” are available?
KM:  We offer newborns and babies, in several variations, including Legacy and Animesh, Baby and Newborn, and Regular and SelfCare versions. We also offer clothing, furniture, consumables (food, diapers, bottle refills, etc), hairstyles, accessories and toys which are ideal for these wonderful babies. We have a main store here on the island for each (Animesh Baby, Animesh Newborn, and Legacy Babies).

JB: Who are most likely to be your customers?
KM:  We get a lot of folks here who get our babies for a variety of reasons. Over the years I've spoken with quite a few of our customers (K-Mae Parents) who have provided varying answers to that topic. Some cannot have children in real life but can have children in Second Life to help fill that void. Many say our children bring much joy to their lives. Others see their friends with virtual children then want their own. They're ordinary people much like you and I, and come from many walks of life.

 JB: Tell me about the K-Mae Daycare and Learning Center?  Will there be actual people staffing that center, kinda like clubs have hosts  (only on a smaller scale)? And will they have activities and things for the babies? 

KM:  Our Daycare and Learning Center is a place where K-Mae parents can bring their kids to learn and socialize with other K-Mae children. We have Daycare Staff during normal daycare hours. During daycare the child can do various activities such as coloring, making picture for the fridge and other fun activities, as dictated by daycare staff. We provide a snack for the children at daycare and even a nap when one is needed. The ladies at our daycare do an outstanding job.

 JB: Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?
KM:  When looking for babies in Second Life it's easy to concede to the notion that they are out of your price range, or not affordable, as many brands do have high prices. Those brands seem to be driven by money so that's understandable. Here at K-Mae Babies however we're not driven by money. We have very affordable babies and newborns who are easy to care for and will fill your Second Life with much joy and happiness. All of our babies and newborns are only L$50 each, so they are affordable for most people. We strive to keep our supporting items low priced as well. We know parents work hard for their money and we want everyone to be able to experience Second Life parenthood without breaking the bank.

There ya have it, folks.  Come check ‘em out. Provide a home for an Animesh Baby.  You’ll be glad you did.


1 comment:

  1. I love these little kids! Not only are they the most affordable kids in SL, but they have SO much stuff that you can use for them without having to collect tokens or waiting for specific learning phases. Not sure if links are ok but here's a vid clip of my two little ones playing hop-scotch.


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