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Saturday, January 25, 2020

GeekSpeak – What benefits will we get from space in 5 years? Join the discussion Saturday January 25th at 12pm SLT

The new space race is really taking off this year.  We will see space tourism and we will see products made in space. There will be very precise chip manufacturing and better optic cable.  And we may even see 3d printed human organs. 
What do you think will make the biggest impact?  Will Space be a safe investment?   Or a rich person’s toy?  Will we solve world problems by going into space?  Or will we create new problems, like space wars?
Come and boldly discuss our very near future in the great unknown, where no geek has ever been before.  Bring your friends!
IM Vulcan Viper, who teaches a meditation class in the GeekSpeak auditorium every Wednesday at 1pm SLT, if you have any ideas for new subjects.

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