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Friday, December 6, 2019


Tis’ the Season for great entertainment in Second Life!  This time of year is full of winter activities, events, shows, hunts, sales and whatnot.  The grid is brimming with holiday spirit. Whether you rushed to get home from a long day of work, a confirmed weekend addict or a professional couch sitter- elbow deep in a bag of Cheetos…. It doesn’t matter. 

We all have one thing in common and that is SL! However we choose to spend time, it is all goooood (unless you are up to NO good). Be mindful SLE is watching :-)

 Speaking of “good”, I’d like to introduce you to one phenomenal artist I came across while secretly scouting the grid.  I stumbled upon this talented virtuoso at Solarwinds and I was totally blown away. I’m not easily impressed, having over a decade under my belt listening to musicians in SL.  But I have to admit I was focused on his performance and his unique style. even more so his 1st life profile tab made me want to know more. He’s in scrubs with the caption “This is me saving lives when I don't play shows”. I find that admirable.

 I went to a couple of his shows in Second Life soon after that and every single performance was outstanding! The crowd loves him. Maybe it is because he is a talented artist who speaks to his audience in a naughty yet nice kind of way.

Recently, I was able to catch up with Naughty between gigs, and he was gracious enough to answer a few of my questions.

Lanai Jarrico (LJ):  Before we get into your SL musical career, tell our readers a little bit about how you got started with music?  Also, Tell us a little about your 1st life profile pic.  :)  

NaughtyName (NN): It's a picture of me at work :) I got my musical start at an early age, playing percussion in school bands.  When I was a teenager, I discovered guitar and played lead guitar in several bands. I loved playing guitar and combined with a strong desire to improve my skills,  led me to study music. I earned a degree in music composition with a songwriting emphasis from Boston's Berklee College of Music.

LJ:  That’s impressive. Tell Us, Naughty, what brought you to Second Life and how long have you been performing here?

NN:  About 5 years ago there was a website; - Through there I met several musicians that performed in SecondLife. I took in what live music was all about  by going to shows and watching and learning for about a year. I went to a RL SecondLife jam and at that point decided I was ready to start performing in SecondLife. 

LJ:  That had to be a great experience! I’m glad you chose to perform in SL.  So, what is the coolest gig you have done in SL?

NN: I played a place once called the ice chillout spot. I wasn't cold when I played there but it looked really cool. Cooler than cool Ice Cold!!

LJ: Fair enough. (lol) So tell us, do you perform in Real Life as well, or do you display that awesome talent for SL residents only?

NN:  Currently I am not performing RL. I have on and off since I played my first bar as a 14 year old. (I needed a parent there in order to play.) The idea that I can just come down to my music room and set up and play for people whenever I like helps fill the void to perform due to a busy real life. As I work quite a bit and I am a father. I certainly do not miss moving around 150 lbs speakers at 3am onto a van after a RL show.

LJ: You made some good points there. It sounds exhausting. Second Life is the perfect place to do what you love without all the hassle.  Music really does bring people together and it's fun. So then, just who is it that really inspires you here in SL? Are there any performers you particularly admire?

NN:  My inspiration is the people that come in fired up for a show and are lively in chat. I definitely feed off of their energy.  My absolute FAVORITE performer is JimmyT. He and I used to play back to back often and I miss those days. He was always there for advice too. He and his partner Luna encouraged me when I was just starting out.

LJ: I’ll have to check out one of JimmyT’s shows.   OK, I have to ask. How in the world did you ever come up with your name “NaughtyName”?  There has GOT to be a story there. Care to share? 

NN:  It's an old gaming name. I used to play World of Warcraft. I was a pretty good Warlock back in the day. I started off playing a gnome Warlock named Panty Raider because of the gnomes that steal your underwear while you sleep. At level 12 I was reported and I was forced to change my name. Since they told me my name was Naughty... I changed my name to Naughtyname.

LJ: Oh, I didn’t expect that but OK! Folks hold on to your bloomers. (lol)  Naughty, you must have performed at dozens of SL clubs and venus by now. What is your absolute FAVORITE place to perform on the grid?

NN: I like all the venues for different reasons. For me to pick a current favorite would be really difficult, since there are so many awesome places out there. But if you forced me to pick somewhere, I’d have to go with a place called “The Only Venue” for my all time favorite.  One of my best friends, Molly, was a part owner there before she passed away and I just have very fond memories of the place.

LJ: I’m sorry for your loss.  I’m sure it is a special place for you. Can you tell us about your practice schedule? 

NN:  I work in practices when I can. I play anywhere from 20-30 shows a month typically so I try to stay as ready to go just with performing them. I do admit I have been slacking on new material especially in the electric department.

LJ:  I have to ask for the ladies…. Are you in a committed relationship with anyone here?  Maybe some special “Naughtilinia” in your SL?

NN:  Hahahah.Noooo.  ‘Fraid not. There is no “partner type” person in my SL. 

LJ: Ooh And finally, is there anything else you would like to share with our SL Enquirer Readers?  

NN: Come to a show they are fun. 

LJ: So, there you have it ladies and gentleman.  If you only see ONE live musician in SL this year, make it a night of Naughty….He’s actually pretty nice :)

Join Group: Friends of Naughty

For Bookings contact: Naughty (naughtyname) IM or notecard

1 comment:

  1. Lanai, my friend, great interview with Naughty! I'm proud to call Naughty a friend a well! Grats Naughty!


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