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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Racing & Motorports Association's $125,000L Launch Week October 12th-October 20th, 2019

Motor racing in Second Life.
"Wait, what? That's a thing?" is a common response to that opening sentence. But what if you were to find out there have been racing sims owned by real-life car manufacturers? Or that sponsors have fought over advertising space on cars? Or that car racing has been one of the top shows on certain Second Life television channels? Or that there are a known handful of racers that have topped a million lindens in prize-money? Yes, racing is big business and racers enjoy celebrity status, with racing being talked about by people that have never attended a race.

The above describes the scenario in racing's golden years from about 2007-2011. Today, the manufacturers, sponsors and big prizemoney are memories, as are big fields of 20-30 racers at events. However, what this does mean is that anyone involved in racing now is in it only for the racing and as such it's a scene that is genuine and made by racers for the racers. The Racing and Motorsports Association intends to bring that big ol' buzz back and this time, with it's more authentic driver base, it will be bigger and better than before and every step of each career will be recognized and be important to more than just that one driver.

Having moved in at the Nationwide Racing Association, an existing race sim, in October the RMA will both be holding a launch week worth L$125,000 in prizes and then starting a brand new season of racing, which will also carry significant prize pools in the opening weeks.  At their headquarters, you can see the schedule board, the two-week driver rankings board, the cars to be used (which are all free!) and you can pick up the latest SL-wide racing schedule, which includes both the RMA-sanctioned and everyone else's events as well. You can also check out the Second Life racing channel(s) on Youtube.

The next step is persuading, you, the normal person that would like to race, but is afraid to start, that it's totally fine and you are in a position all of us old veterans would like to be in again. Right at the start of our careers and seeing how far we can go with it. Because, you lucky new racers have only one direction to go and that's up! Us older statesmen and stateswomen (yes, there is a big ratio of female drivers) have to fight not to go down! Every one of us in racing welcomes each new face and admires you for stepping into what must seem like a daunting arena. Before long, when you see the helpfulness being shown towards you and the interest in your improvement, you will find yourself immersed and integrated into the scene before you know it! You will find a favorite race organization and feel it's your second home. With all kinds of vehicles, asphalt and dirt racing, road circuits and ovals and a range of start times, there's something for everybody.

Why don't you visit the Racing and Motorsports Association's HQ, or join the group and pick up the notecards posted in there regularly. We even welcome fans that just like to watch racing and we have some superstar spectators, too. You can do that in person or just watch races on one of the streaming channels you'll find addresses for within the 'SL racing schedule' notecard.

This scene is about to become one to be a part of once again.

Come on, be a racer! (You'll love it, I promise.)

The schedule:

Sat 12th Oct, 3.00pm – Stock cars, L$10,000 (Kansas)
Sun 13th Oct, 4.45pm – Gen 6 (2×30 laps), L$10,000 (Bristol)
Sun 13th Oct, 6.30pm – Dirt late models, L$10,000 (Langley Dirt)
Mon 14th Oct, 4.45pm – Winston Cup, L$10,000 (Speedbowl)
Mon 14th Oct, 7.00pm – Sprintcars (winged; dirt), L$10,000 (Tulsa Bowl)
Tue 15th Oct, 4.45pm – Xfinity, L$10,000 (California/Auto Club)
Wed 16th Oct, 7.00pm – Asphalt, modifieds L$10,000 (Bowman Gray)
Thu – OFF
Fri 18th Oct, 3.00pm – Stadium trucks, L$10,000 (Sports Stadium)
Fri 18th Oct, 7.00pm – GT Road Cup, L$10,000 (Sunset)
Sat 19th Oct, 4.45pm РF-trucks, L$10,000 (Kolm̴rden Рreverse)
Sat 19th Oct, 7.00pm – Offroad trucks, L$10,000 (Arena One – reverse)
Sun 20th Oct, 2.00pm – Indycars, L$15,000 (Pocono)


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