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Friday, September 27, 2019

Working In A Special Education Setting

If you love working with children, are compassionate, patient, and enjoy the concept of teaching, the field of special education is for you. The need for nurturing educators who understand the specific demands of special education is increasing, and similarly, the understanding of special education in the teaching sector. The difference a special needs educator can make in a classroom is phenomenal especially when children who struggle to excel do just that under the guidance of a well equipped and experienced teacher. What exactly constitutes special education and the need for it?

What Is Special Education?

Special education applies to children who have difficulty learning or possess learning disabilities which place them at a slight disadvantage when compared to their peers who do not have disabilities. Therefore, a traditional classroom setting will not be beneficial to the special education needs children; these children need a nurturing, knowledgeable, and specialized classroom to deal with these disabilities. 
 There are 5 types of learning difficulties, namely;
  1. Dyslexia – this is one of the most common disabilities in special education. Dyslexia is a condition where a learner has trouble in the ability to read, interpret or break down letters or words in order to understand them. This disability is not a sign of poor intelligence. 
  2. ADD and ADHD - Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) refers to the state of hyperactivity or poor attention spans which make it difficult for a learner to focus and concentrate for long periods. Children with this disorder usually possess low impulse control. 
  3. Dysgraphia – children with dysgraphia are unable to write legibly or coherently and may be suffering from a brain disease or damage.
  4. Dyscalculia – children who have dyscalculia struggle with mathematics or arithmetic due to the result of a brain disorder, these children will struggle with performing arithmetic on a basic level.
  5. Dyspraxia – children with this disorder will struggle with coordination and movement, dyspraxia refers to motor skills difficulties within a child. 
Teachers specializing in special education will need to possess various ranges of skills and methods to teach their children effectively. 

The Need For Special Education Teachers

In today’s world, children with special needs, learning disabilities or are disabled are readily accepted and integrated into school compared to in the past. Federal law requires that these children are, in fact, not segregated from their peers who do not have disabilities and are integrated into traditional classrooms as much as possible. Therefore, the demand exists for teachers in this field but there aren’t enough of these specialized educators to serve the needs of the education system currently.  
If you have the passion and determination to excel in this field, consider studying the Childhood Master’s Program at Bank Street, which will equip you with the diverse skills needed for special education. 

Becoming a special education teacher is a highly rewarding job, as one can see the difference a skilled approach makes in a child from one month to the next. If you want to make a real difference as an educator, become a special education teacher and take your job gratification up a notch.

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