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Saturday, August 31, 2019

GeekSpeak – reaching a Kardashev Type 1 civilization. Join the Discussion on Saturday, August 31st at 12pm SLT

Reaching level 1 on the Kardashev scale means storing and using all the energy that the earth gets from the sun.  We will reach this when we increase our energy production about a million-fold.  Can we ever get there?  Will we need to hollow out the earth and use all the asteroids around?
What will happen if we do not reach it?  Will we fall back to stone age energy levels, or is there a middle way?
What will life be like if we do reach it?  Imagine spending a terawatt for your morning breakfast!

Come and discuss our energy future on a long timeline.  Bring your friends.
IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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