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Saturday, August 3, 2019

GeekSpeak – ethical shopping, how important is it? Join the discussion August 3rd at 12pm SLT

We in the west buy questionable products like palm oil or hardwood from the Amazon.  We buy products that may have been produced by slave labour, or at the expense of local people.  Should we all be forced or nudged into ethical buying?

Is the problem one of information?  Should all products carry enough information so that we can make an ethical choice?  Is that even possible?

How do we know what information we can rely on?  How can we see through all the tricks used by industries?  How do we decide between competing claims?  If a product is unethical because it damages the environment, maybe the only alternative is unethical because it relies on slave labour.  Is it even possible for everyone to agree about what is unethical?

Perhaps you think we should all buy whatever we want, and the market will sort it out.

Come and discuss ethics in the world markets.  Bring your 50-country-lunch.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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