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Saturday, July 6, 2019

GeekSpeak – will humans have extra senses in the future? Join the discussion Saturday 6th July at 12pm SLT

Are we approaching a transhumanist future where we will have new senses?  Given DNA modification and technology, will we sense radiation, UV light, magnetic fields, the gravity of the moon?  Will our ordinary senses be enhanced so that we can navigate by means of sonar, slow down time so we can hear the songs of birds, smell as well as dogs?

A connection with AI will give us extra information.  At what point does the extra information become a true new sense?  Will we begin to be able to sense houses for sale, or sense how old our food is or sense if it is going to rain in a few seconds?

Do we need new senses? Do we want them?  What are the drawbacks? What will happen to the people who do not have the new senses? Will they be the ones that survive after sensemageddon?  Come and discuss your future self!

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for future subjects.

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