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Saturday, July 27, 2019

GeekSpeak – how close are we to a nuclear war? Join the discussion on Saturday July 27th at 12pm SLT

Nowadays most of us are less worried about nuclear weapons than we were in the last century.  But is that reasonable?  The danger is still there.  Any conventional war could become a nuclear war.  As nuclear weapons spread, more and more countries could start a nuclear war.  

Would it be possible for terrorists to start one, either by making nuclear weapons or by hacking into command codes?  Could a nuclear war start by sheer accident?

Where will this happen?  What are the danger areas?  And what will happen in the aftermath?  Will we completely destroy the planet, or will the nuking stop after the first 10 or so?

Would we be safer if all countries had nukes, or if none did?  Are there ways to stop this madness?  Come and discuss total annihilation.  Bring your lead radiation suit.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

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