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Saturday, June 15, 2019

GeekSpeak – will the world ever be one country? Join the discussion Saturday June 15th 12pm SLT

Do you look forward to a time when the world will be just one state, with one government?  Or do you think there will always be borders between countries, however much the world may change in other ways?

Would a world government be a good thing?  It might mean the end of war.  But it could also mean a world with an evil government that could not be escaped.  Maybe we need different countries just so that we have some choice about the culture and laws we live by.  

Maybe you think that human nature dictates that there will always be different states that are sometimes hostile to each other.  Even if we achieve a world government on Earth that unity might not last when we set up colonies on other planets.  Will we end up living in a Star Trek universe, where each planet has a world government, but the planets are not united?

Come and discuss borders and how to get rid of them, or keep them.  Bring your red pills.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for new subjects.

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