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Saturday, June 22, 2019

GeekSpeak – is our species facing extinction in this century? Join the discussion Saturday June 22nd at 12pm SLT

Recently a report came out that stated that we will be extinct in 2050.  Could that really happen?  What threatens us?  The death of insects, climate change, nuclear war, new diseases?  What other threats can you think of? 

Do you worry about extinction?  Or do you think we can correct every problem, bring back the insects, put the carbon back in the ground? 

There are 7 billion of us.  Are we really in danger of extinction?  Are all forms of life on earth in danger, even the most numerous?  Will we all die out together?  Which species will go extinct first, mice or men?  Come and talk about extinction at GeekSpeak.  Bring a mouse, we need its opinion too.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for future subjects.

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