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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Do You Know Where Your Coffee Comes From?

Very few people think out the journey that their coffee takes before it ends up in their mug. The fact of the matter is that most depend on coffee to help get them up in the morning, so they can think clearly and react in an alert manner. Whether you take it with lots of cream, a hint of sugar, or black, coffee is considered the lifeblood of countless people. So, it actually is important that you know a little about where your coffee beans are sourced. Consider which coffee variety is your favorite and learn more about where it is from, and how it is roasted and sourced. Knowing more about coffee and the processes that go into obtaining it will make it so that you can brew the best cup of coffee ever.

How Coffee Bean Origin Affects Cost

The very cheapest coffees can be found in grocery stores, already roasted, ground, and ready for brewing. Some coffee brands indicate which country their blends come from, but for the most part, the consumer is left guessing. And while there is nothing wrong with buying your coffee from the grocery store, you have to admit that it is not the same as having coffee beans scooped into a bag so that you can brew it fresh each morning. Coffee varieties come from different breeds, with some producing high yields that are resistant to disease. If your coffee comes from a place where varieties are rare and harder to grow, you will be paying a lot more to enjoy that cup of Joe.

Knowing which Countries Grow the Highest Quality Coffee Beans

Because coffee varieties come with distinct flavors and aromas, you should look to increase your knowledge of each country of origin. Since coffee is generally grown in places where the climate is warm all year long, you will be looking to countries like Puerto Rico, Uganda, and Panama to source your coffee direct.  Find more details here if you would like to know the thought processes that go into selecting the best types of coffee. When you drink coffee and stop to analyze each delicate flavor note, you can taste all of their highly valued properties. Arabica coffees are very popular globally, but Robusta coffees are also in high demand. Some of the world’s top coffee producing countries have even experimented with hybrids with measurable success.

Coffee Bean Roasting Methods

In addition to getting the perfect coffee beans from whichever country you prefer, roasting methods also impact the final flavor profile. For a milder caffeinated drink, you will want to go with a coffee bean that has been roasted lightly. Then there are medium roasts, which are quite popular with daily coffee drinkers. Dark roasts are not only richer, darker, and more flavorful, they create a coffee that produces more oil. It is best to start with a lighter roasted coffee bean so that you can become accustomed to the somewhat bitter taste of the drink. This way you can drink your coffee with less sugar and cream. Remember that you just want to enhance the flavor of coffee, not cover it up with sugars, flavored syrups, milk, or coffee creamer substitutes.

Learning and Developing Personal Coffee Preferences

You can get a pretty standard cup of coffee from most fast food chains. While the drink itself will be hot and chocked full of caffeine, you are probably not going to experience much in the way of actual flavor. In fact, a lot of people who say they don’t enjoy coffee have just never tried a quality product. Coffee connoisseurs are known to buy their coffee beans whole so that they can grind them up as they need them. They will purchase pricey coffee makers that have multiple settings. True coffee lovers can instantly taste the difference between expresso and cappuccino. You have to drink a lot of coffee to discover what your preferences are. So, don’t just buy one type of coffee – purchase several.

Understanding the Role of Coffee Importers

Although coffee is ‘farmed’ it can’t be readily produced in a greenhouse like other plants. The setting must be tropical. The coffee has to get the right amount of water and sunlight to thrive. This is why there are very limited areas where coffee has been found to thrive. So, unless you happen to have a vacation home in a mountainous region of Brazil, you are going to need to have your coffee imported. In a nutshell, coffee importers are vital to the global coffee market. They transport massive amounts of coffee, checking each batch for quality, taste, and visual appeal. Coffee drinkers depend on importers to keep their mugs full.  A shortage of coffee beans from a particular country can impact people on both sides of the equation, so importers also need to think ahead.

Comparing Coffee Varieties

The reason that coffee shops smell so indescribably good is that they emit a symphony of scents and aromas that originate from around the globe. Different coffees contain different amounts of oil, which impacts how strong and robust it is in liquid form. Compare coffee varieties by country, breed, and even growing techniques. It is guaranteed that there is one variety out there that is going to become your preferred morning blend. In the meantime, keep testing out different varieties of coffee.

While there have been loads of innovative and even ‘healthier’ alternatives emerge, coffee is still the caffeinated drink of choice for billions of people worldwide. Those living in the U.S. generally need to have their coffee imported, which is why knowing where it comes from is vital. The country from which your coffee has been imported will impact its scent, flavor, and even its cost. Coffee lovers have their favorites, and they are not usually open to the idea of ‘settling’ for a non-premium variety. Knowing where your coffee comes from will give you something to talk about with other coffee drinkers, as well as help you to identify the varieties that you enjoy drinking the most.

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