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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spotlight on The Rasere Awakening Series and launch of book 3- The Bounding Main by Author R.Lacques aka GoSpeed Rasere- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Author R. Jacques (aka- GoSpeed Rasere) launched Rasere’s War. The first book in the Rasere's Awakening Series. Based 500 years into the future,  mankind finds lasting peace but using emotions excessively is shunned. Many human Users visit the virtual world of Simvie Loko to fully express themselves, but the world ruling Artificial Intelligence, Gaiana, is seeking to shut it down. Will GoSpeed and her fellow NPCs survive this virtual conflict or be erased forever? Will they face extinction or prevail with such norms? If you’ve read Rasere’s War, you will want to read the 2nd novel in the Series; We built this City.

 Gospeed goes on a quest to Bay City where opportunities await, but a new evil raises its ugly head and threatens her new home. She decides to fight back, but at what cost? but on her way she meets Simvie a criminal who threatens peace.

On March 30th,  GoSpeed launched the 3rd book in the Rasere Awakening  series; The Bounding Main.
This novel is based in the futuristic virtual world,  Simvie Loko. It is a free world for NPCs (non-player characters), once a virtual playground for human users. In this 3rd installation, GoSpeed Racer is starting anew and trying to live down her past sins. She sets off on another adventure on the high seas of Simvie Loko where she ultimately finds redemption. putting her past behind her for redemption.

Much like Second Life it sounds like an adventure! Without spoiling the plots and twists in the series, The SL Enquirer had the pleasure of meeting up with GoSpeed Racer to talk more about The Rasere Awakening Series and maybe get some more details about her character’s  journey of a lifetime.

SLE: Gospeed Racer, it is great to have this opportunity to talk about series and give our readers some behind the scenes insight and your inspiration  behind your novels. Can you tell our readers what inspired you to write the series?

Gospeed: Thank you Lanai. It's a pleasure to speak with you! My inspiration came from a few sources. About ten years ago I blogged about what I would feel if Second Life were to shut down. It wasn't a pleasant at all, that's for sure. Even by my second rez day I felt an affinity for my avatar. A couple of years later I started writing short story about GoSpeed magically appearing in the real world and visiting my at my house. I never finished the story. Fast forward to 2015 and my favorite podcast novelist (Scott Sigler) did a couple of episodes on how to write a novel. Soon after that I began writing my series.

SLE: In the series, your avatar GoSpeed Racer is the main character. With the adventures and experiences you have in the novels, do they related in anyway with your SL avie’s adventures and experiences?

Gospeed: In my early days in SL, circa 2006 to 2008, I was very active in the SL Sailing community and sailed all over the grid. I've also done some minor roleplaying and the emoting and dialog exchanges were very helpful for my creative writing. Of course the Bay City community here in Second Life was a great source of material and inspiration. I've been affiliated with Bay City since 2010 and I was crowned Miss Bay City 2018!

SLE: Wow you have been an active SL community member for a long time. Congrats on being crowned Miss Bay City. How would you describe your character’s personality compared to your own?

GoSpeed: They are like the difference between my real self and my avatar. Some elements of my real personality  come through, and some do not. Second Life acts as a filter of sorts. In this futuristic virtual world many of the NPCs (virtual citizens), to include GoSpeed, are sourced from old social media archives. The creator uses images, videos, and blog posts and then run them through an algorithm to generate a personality. As the old saying goes, "A picture says a thousand words." In fact, there have been articles recently stating the possibility of recreating a virtual identity of a recently deceased family member by using their online digital postings. I doubt anything useful could be created with today's technology, but in 500 years? Possibly.

SLE:  That’s an interesting concept. Through the Series, your character faces many obstacles, can you give our readers an examples of the difficulties she faced on her journey?

GoSpeed: In the first novel she is forced to take up arms to protect her world, then she falls in love for the first time ever. In the second novel, she takes the law into her own hands  and must face the severe consequences of her actions.

SLE: Are you a published author of other novel besides The Rasere Awakening Series?

GoSpeed: This is my first series. I plan to write more in this "universe" in the future. My next book will be an anthology containing short stories and vignettes from Simvie Loko.

SLE: Without giving too much away, what else would you like to share with readers about The Bounding Main?

GoSpeed: TBM is the conclusion of the series and as such wraps up a lot of the longer story arcs. In this story GoSpeed must live and work in a community that sees her as either a criminal or a saint. With these same people, she goes on an extended journey to investigate a mystery facing both communities. Together they learn more about their shared world and the possible threats they may face.

Additional Information

Purchase the series: Amazon:
Apple: Via their apps.

Print copies can be purchased now at Amazon.

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