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Thursday, April 11, 2019

GeekSpeak: Should we actively try to contact aliens? Join the discussion Saturday April 13th at 12pm SLT

Since there is so much space to cover and we don’t know where to look for alien intelligence, it may not be practical to send out signals.  But, what if the ‘zoo hypothesis’ is correct?  What if aliens know that we are here and are keeping us in a zoo?  Maybe because they don’t want to interfere with our evolution. Maybe because they don’t want us to infect the rest of the universe with our evil.  Maybe because they are carrying out a scientific study of our planet.  If we are really in a zoo, then trying to get their attention might make sense.

On the other hand, would you be comfortable with sending signals out into space, knowing that the receivers may not be friendly?  Would we be sending out a lunch menu?  Should we impose radio silence and prevent signals from leaving the solar system?  Or is it too late?  Have we already invited them to invade us?

Or maybe broadcasting to the universe will mean we are invited to join a great galactic society?  Come and discuss the problem.  Bring a satellite dish.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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