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Saturday, March 16, 2019

GeekSpeak: how will humanity end? Join the discussion on March 16th at noon SLT

What fate do you most fear for our species?  Do you see the earth being destroyed by an asteroid or a solar flare, a black hole or collision with a rogue planet?  Or will we die a slow, agonizing death from a killer virus?  Or cause our own demise by a worldwide nuclear war?  Or will we slowly die out simply because we lack the will to survive or have children?

Most people expect that humanity will one day give way to another species.  How will that happen?  And what species will it be?  Will we maybe give way to our own AI creations and see them take over the world?

What fate are you most afraid of?  Or do you think that somehow some of us will always survive?  Come and discuss all the ways to our end, on this blue marble in space.  Bring an umbrella.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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