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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day Ideas 2019 - Seersha Heart

Valentine’s day is one of the most social days of the year.  Today I spent some time around the grid checking out the festivities.  I visited a few places to let you know what is planned around the grid.

Dunk-A-Linden & Hug-A-Linden Event
LL is offering an opportunity to party with the Lindens at the Isle of View on February 14 beginning at 10 am slt.  The landing spot in the “Love Pavillion”, a large round building surrounding by hugging booths and a dance floor. Pink permeates every view from outside.  There is a gift giving kiosk that sends your special someone one of the valentine gifts pictured such as a teddy bear, roses, candy and more. Outside of the pavilion, there are walkways with heart hedges and soft lighting.  Sky is even a nice shade of pinks and purples. Be careful approaching the other pavilion. I was thrown out by a security orb, I was unable to get a comment from LL on this before writing the story. There are people exploring the SIM before the big event, if you get a chance see if this is the place you want to take your special someone.  The whole place looks like Valentine’s Day and knowing the Lindens, there will be all kinds of things going on when the activities begin on February 14.

Valentine Town 2019
When you land, turn around and you will find the Tunnel of Love.  I recommend Sunset or Dawn sun lighting. This SIM also allows flying so it is easy to get around.  The Tunnel of Love is a fully operational ride. Turn left and walk through the Welcome gate to visit the town.  Some of the trees have heart leaves in reds and pinks. The town itself looks like Whoville. The decorative hearts are lavish and large.  There is a large gathering area for the DJ and dancing. Off the dance floor are kiosks with flowers for sale. If you join the group, there is a free gift of a bullseye backpack.  You may choose from “Cupid”, “Single”, “Taken” or “Warning” to alert those around you. I wore the “Cupid” while I visited the SIM.

Valentine’s Day Street Fair in Mielville
Mieville’s Valentine’s Day Street Fair runs February 10-15.  There is shopping, gachas and various fun activities. They are hosting a special Valentine’s Dance on February 14th at 6 pm slt.  Love was in the air when I stopped by the SIM, moments after arriving a woman became very friendly with me when she saw the backpack [ “Cupid” ] from Valentine Town.  Of course I was a dashing male avi so who can blame her? I checked out the shops, one item I thought was particularly clever is a SPIKE kinetic sculpture. This item made by Liam Metaluna has a rotating heart that releases a flow of hearts periodically.  I was fascinated for several minutes watching it. There is no shortage of gifts with heart and love themes so you might consider stopping and picking up a gift before you pick up your date. At the end of the row of shopping is a large building with the dancing animations.  Again, I recommend sunset sun for most pleasing lighting.

London City Love-In
This stop is certainly popular, now attracting the newest members of SL.  They are having a month long celebration “of the heart”. This stop wasn’t as pink and red as the others, yet if you enjoy a London backdrop, this is the place to celebrate.  I would recommend this spot for a single person who wants to get out and have some conversations. Perhaps meet new friends and dance the night away. There a many avis on this SIM, 76 when I visited, so be prepared for lag.  Yet if you want to meet people, you need avis.
I have some personal “go to” romantic spots I will share with you.  Alone or with a friend, a date, I promise you will enjoy this stop.

Lost Gardens of Apollo
An old SIM maintained and charming, the dance floor here is always magical.  The light is perfect and there are stars twinkling around you as you dance. Explore the island, and you will find a Zeppelin tour and some areas to sit and to cuddle up to enjoy your surrounding.  There are lovely gardens, waterfalls and secluded places throughout the SIM.
Zeppelin tour:
Dancing area:

Ocho Tango & Cammino e Vivo Capovolto [builder]
This SIM is a visual feast.  The club Ocho Tango has tango and other dances available.  Usually I can find someone to dance with easily there without bringing a date.  It is a multilingual location so if you want to practice Spanish or French you might meet someone there to help you.  I have helped French residents with their English while visiting. The BIG reason to come here besides the great dancing is the 3D art build adjacent to it.  One of my favorite SL builders, Cammino e Vivo Capovolto, has maintained an installation here for at least four years. It remains beautiful and haunting, the building takiing care to set the windlight for maximum effect.  There are plcaes to sit and places to cuddle. It is a nice SIM to explore and spend time with someone special.

There are 89 SIMs listed as romantic on the SL Destination guide today.  These are my favorites to visit. We wish you and yours a wonderful Valentine's Day!

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