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Friday, February 8, 2019

Spotlight on Petra's Live Music Venue - Pen Dragon reporting

Petra’s Live Music Venue is easily one of the premier spots in Second Life for live artists and performers to play. Set on a beautifully decorated half sim this venue is the brain child, and passion project, of Petra Steele. Petra has a deep love for the performing arts and a desire to enrich the experience of Second Live through her support of the arts.

I recently had the opportunity to sit and talk with Petra about her past and the future of Petra’s. I think you’ll find that she is truly one of the most dedicated, loyal and driven people in Second Life. Her passion, heart and spirit drive the venue she pours her soul into and makes it the extraordinary place that it is today.

SLE: Let’s start with your history as a club owner, tell me more about that Petra
Petra: Well, the first one I ran with someone who had founded it, The SL Playboy Mansion, but my partner and I had a parting of ways acrimoniously and I ended up on my own and grew the club form a quarter parcel to a full sim with 6 entertainment venues. We ran up to 26 live sets a week there. At the top  we had 104 people on the sim for an event I called Midnight Mansion when two DJs would battle until Midnight but it was a monster and I frankly burned out after a few years and closed it due to ill health.I swore I wouldn't open another, until I HAD to again (laughs)

SLE: So, when the music bug bit you again, what was next?
Petra:  I opened Steele Street which was an urban setting with residential areas for rentals,  Steele Hampton and the Estates. We had four  venues there and again booked top talent and ran live sets 5 days a week.  That too became a monster eating up all my time and  became ill again so I shut her down. After recovering, I once again after swearing I'd NEVER open another venue, but I just HAD to and started with a quarter parcel on another sim with two other clubs but moved to this location which is a half sim about 3 months ago and it's been great! I love this little club  we have the best talent in great line ups and we rarely have less than 40 people per set.Open only two days a week but when we are we deliver. We are also going to be producing special events. We’ve already had one featuring Gabriel da Silva on piano,a formal event and wildly well attended

SLE: What is it that drives you to return to the clubs?
Petra: Well, a few things. One I am deathly bored in sl if I"m not working on something and maily something that requires ingenuity and creativity.  If sl is wholly social it just doesn't work for me, I need to work. Secondly having been a performer myself I get on well with those in sl and have formed good relationships with many who have become dear friends. I love coming up with a concept for a sim or a club and running with it. This go round is different however.

Petra: It's more laid back. I’m not competing with anyone, just creating an environment I enjoy and low and behold people like it too and so it's a great party. I find the third time   is the charm. I've learned a lot from the other two  most of all what my limits and preferences are, I think I've finally found the right "fit” for me. I have a strong commitment to contributing to the emergent culture of SL by presenting live artists.

SLE: I wasn't aware you were a performer, can you tell me more about that?
Petra: Well, I studied classical ballet from ages 7 to 27, when I stopped dancing.  I danced with the Harkness Ballet in NYC in their Corps de Ballet. At that time I also auditioned for acting jobs and performs in a number of off off Broadway shows as well as appeared in a number of independent short films. I also play the piano, acoustic guitar, electric bass and accordion (laughing) and until I destroyed my voice with coffee and cigarettes I was a pretty good singer (laughs) Now this will sound like much hubris I"m sure...but I think I have been blessed with my gifts as well as support of a wonderful family and have become a formidable individual.

SLE: Is there anything you don't do? That's quite the impressive resume.
Petra: I don't mud wrestle fly a plane or bungee jump to name a few.

SLE: You said earlier that you have strong commitment to contributing to the emergent culture of SL. Why is that?
Petra: Because a rich strong and diverse culture makes us better humans I believe. Culture gives our lives texture and depth and references. Also, I like attention and achieving  things that contribute to the community give me the  kind of attention I want. I don't have to be the star but I love making the cast, so to speak

SLE: Why enrich SL, why not use your talents RL?
Petra: I do. I have been a shrink for almost 30 years as well as a University professor. I have chaired committees to benefit various organizations, I write fiction and songs, and give drop dead dinner parties.(laughs)

SLE: You mentioned planning events for the venue, what other events do you have in mind?
Petra: An all Latin event with dancers from Tropicana and some of our latin artists like Erik Kottzen, and Gabriel da Silva, Ceci Dover, Agatha. A Remembering Playboy event, with a contest for best Bunny and best Hef. And Arabian Nights event which will be held in a glorious Arabian skybox with minarets and mosaics and belly dancers which is also a role play event where people coming in click on a role giver board and are assigned a character to play.

SLE: Is there anything you'd like our readers to know about you or the venue?
Petra: I would be remiss if I didn't mention my GM RJ Dragon who has been with me since Playboy and GM at all three venues. RJ is my Rock.

Petra Steele, the driving force behind Petra’s live music venue, clearly brings a depth to the SL live music scene that few are capable of achieving. Her experience, knowledge and love for music are what makes her club one of the absolute best on the grid and well worth taking the time to visit and catch a show.


Group: secondlife:///app/group/d36b2475-ba10-9ed5-8814-a20e4c287f93/about

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