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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Interview with Cupid 2018- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

It has been two years since I last scouted for and interviewed Cupid. It seems like a trend that each year the chosen Cupid abandons his posts as the mascot for Valentine’s Day. I get that they only have the job for a short time but perhaps they find true love of their own or they turn to getting swept away by the countless club scenes in Second Life never to be seen again.
This year was a bit different when I went out in search of the perfect Cupid 2018. I needed to find a well rounded, intelligent man to fill some speedos and wear a bow and arrow like a Greek God.
While out and about assisting a friend with a mesh upgrade, I was politely greeted by a shopper nearby. He complimented me.  At first I wasn’t really paying much attention to anyone around me but I decided to zoom my cam on this stranger saying hello.  It was a jaw dropping experience to say the least. My first thought was this was the Cupid I have spent my Second Life searching for.
He was handsome and well put together. His eyes were piercing grayish blue and he had a swag about him that was unignorable. We exchanged calling cards and went about our business.

A week past with no word. I saw his name light up on my friends list and thought I'd reach out and ask him if he knew where i could find a Unicorn. I thought it might be a nice ice breaker or maybe I was just embarrassing myself, but nonetheless he responded with, “Hi beautiful, I have been waiting to hear from you and judging  from the ridiculous reason for messaging me, I’m thinking you have been thinking about me also. But if you want to look for a Unicorn I’m game.” and that's how the beautiful friendship began.

Interview with Cupid 2018

Lanai: Vito, you know I wasn't really looking for a Unicorn when we met, I just didn’t know what to say. You made me a bit nervous unlike all the tools I come across on a daily. I have to thank you for agreeing to be this year’s Cupid. You fit the description of a Greek God very well.  SLE Fans missed out on one last year.

Cupid: I take it as a compliment and I’m honored to be this years cupid if it means spending even this little time with you.

Lanai: You are such a sweetheart and I am enjoying this time I get with you. So let's jump right into your position as Cupid. I love that you tell it like it is. There has been a lot of drama and BS happening across the grid. I think SLE fans need to hear what you have to say about all that mess and how you intend to improve relationships for Valentine’s Day.

Cupid: Damn, when I heard you say let’s jump right into a position I had to adjust my arrow. But then I realized you were asking a serious question. I shoot my damn arrows and sometimes they stick and sometimes they don’t, but if i can give advice… men: learn how to talk to a woman, actually listen sometimes and for f**ks sake stop saying “want to make sex”. And women: look at your damn avi. If you look like plastic surgery gone wrong and everything is hanging out then your going to get what you get; a tool. Now Lanai, what position would you like to do next?

Lanai: OHH ummm going back to that sound advice. I have to agree with you for both men and women. It just seems like people have no motivation anymore to keep up with their appearance or even their socializing skills. Now, what was that about positions? *fans self* NVM let’s not get off track here. I think it is very important for SL residents to know the do’s and don’ts of relationships. One or one hundred arrows to the ass might not help them if they don’t have the skills to make their situation work. Am I right?

Cupid: Men and women on here need to stop sending representatives, meaning be yourself, tell the truth, I find a lot of men on here will say whatever they think the woman would want to hear as long as they get to be with that woman. Problem is they will always show their true colors and those women will go running into another man’s arms… same goes for the women, if that guy seems too good to be true then guess what he might just be.

Lanai: So what you are saying in a nutshell is trust is something that needs to be earned to avoid these types of problems or does it mean both men and women need to always be on alert? How can people really tell when they have found that perfect person?

Cupid: Trusting people in SL can be as hard as finding a unicorn. But it’s not all doom and gloom, love is out there and it might take getting burned many times to find that person but when you do you will have no doubts. You will feel their love, and their energy, and you will trust them in ways you never thought possible.

Lanai: that is beautiful advice Cupid. In reality it doesn’t take an arrow or even Valentine’s day to validate what your significant other means to you or when you should celebrate love. It is about knowing oneself and sharing it with the person you care about. Not because it is what everyone else expects. It should be unconditional and natural.

Cupid: You have it figured out Lanai, it is impossible to love and trust if you don’t love yourself first. I thought you were beautiful the first time I saw you, now after spending 5 months with you, I think we’ve both been hit with an arrow. In fact, the only way I am signing off on this interview is if your next article is titled “My Life with Cupid”.

Lanai: Would this be a good time to tell you I’m pregnant?

Cupid: o.O


**Special thanks to Vitochicone xoxox

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