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Saturday, February 23, 2019

GeekSpeak – the death of insects

Insects – we dislike most of them or regard them as a nuisance.  But we need them, all of them.  We need them as pollinators and as food for birds, bats, frogs, fish, small mammals.  We need some of them just because they are beautiful.  But they are declining at an alarming speed, at least in the western world, because of the widespread use of pesticides, huge areas of mono-culture and the destruction of insect habitats, such as hedges, woods and ponds.

Will insects turn into a limited precious resource?  Will we fight wars over insects?  Raid other countries for their insects?  Will we trade insects?  Will countries with plenty of insects be our future food powerhouses?  Will fortunes be made from rare insects?

What should be done to save the insects?  Should pesticides be banned?  Should farmers be paid to conserve insects?  Will it be a serious crime to kill insects?

Come and discuss our smallest frenemies at GeekSpeak.  Bring your bug spray.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

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