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Friday, January 25, 2019

Two Clubs, All Adult, Best Looking Avis in SL - Seersha Heart

Looking for Mr./Ms. Right?  Interested in Mr./Ms. Right Now?  Want to make friends, chat, or be naughty.  Two of the most popular clubs to visit are Teqi’s Lounge and [the chamber].  Both are more than sex clubs. Each has it’s own way of facilitating an upscale experience to meet like minded individuals.  Neither club is all about sex. Whereas [the chamber] is discreet, Teqi’s Lounge makes no secret that there is plenty of naughty fun to be had within her walls.

There is no finer place that Second Life’s upscale stop, Teqi’s Lounge.  Teqi’s lounge is hands down the most beautiful adult club in SL. Romantic lighting, soft colors, nice furniture and chat areas there is nothing missing for first class comfort.  Teqi’s is a place that attracted the best looking avis with well-fitting and stylish mesh as far as the eye can see. There is a cost to join Teqi’s that is approximately $4US or 1000L.  Teqi has special days for non-members to visit and check out the club. Is it worth the Lindens? Absolutely, if you have the budget it is money well spent. The clubs that have membership fees tend to keep out the Newbies or the people who are not serious about socializing politely.  Translation: griefers stay away. This allows for the member to experience a great night of socializing while keeping the distractions some clubs face at bay. Last October, I had the opportunity to speak to Teqi about her club.

Seersha Heart: When did you open Teqi’s?  Did you have help?

Teqi: I started to build Teqis in 2008 and I continuously built it until 2012.  At that time, it looked totally different. There were funny items built into the club such as an elevator with dancing animation, funny music played, silly dances built in bar counter, peeking animation in restroom or foursome champagne dance with bubbles etc...
I didn’t look for visitors at that time, it was more just for my friends and for my fun. So usually there was just few friends with me daily.  I didn’t have clear image of what kind of style & design I wanted for the Lounge. I realized running a club is more complex I thought. SL society is a very complicated thing, more complicated than most of the people think.
I took my time to research many kinds of people’s behaviors in SL.  Such as, what things affects their behavior as well as how it effects their behavior.  And questions like what generates traffic or what kills it. Also, I had to learn English language for be able to express myself (still learning it).  I had to learn moderating too, including things like when I need to interrupt a conversation in the club, when I need to cut it, or stop it, when it’s the time to remove a person from the club, when and with what condition let them come back. What makes an avatar look too young, how to recognize the visual trick they might use for present too young age character and remove them from the club as fast as I can.

Of course, I had to learn how to deal with griefers, which is the best way to deal with them and which is making it worse. I needed a security system and had to learn what kind of security system would serve the best the Lounge needs.  Then there are all the technical issues such as how to deal with lag...Well, I spent 4 years on these things to learn and understand. Then in 2012 I was ready to rebuild/redesign the Lounge with the knowledge I learned.

I had friends who supported me by coming daily to have some fun, they always inspired me to install new things in the club, they had so much fun trying the new things I made for the lounge.  I had fun watching them use the new items I put in the lounge. Other friends supported my work financially and without these friends I couldn’t have built Teqi's. The composition of the Teqi's project was always my work only.

Seersha Heart:Are there any plans to expand Teqi’s or have additional locations?  [since it is SO popular]

Teqi: A place must be expanded if its popular?   No, I don’t think so, bumping into each other is a good start for chatting.  Should we make additional locations for a place? If somebody understands SL then would say no. Most of the people in SL alone and they are looking for company. In this case it is the place owner’s job to bring people together, not to make them be separated from each other at different locations.

Seersha Heart: Do you work with others on any possible changes/revisions to the club or is it all you?

Teqi: I’m quite alone with this project, I haven’t found anyone who could see SL and it’s potential through my eyes as I see it. I mean I never met anyone who could use the technical possibilities or interior design or / and interior composition for stimulate or influence or drive visitor’s behavior on the wished way.  Changes and revisions based on my decisions.

Seersha Heart: Do you know of any couples who met at Teqi and then partnered?

Teqi: Yes I know many, for example Rawage creator, but me too.  I found my partner at Teqis. I built Teqis for people be able to find partner easier by using special techniques that affects people behavior and helps expressing sensuality and helps dating, generates romantic moments that people never forget and beside boosts the future traffic strongly.

Seersha Heart: Thank you for the information Teqi.  You have a fantastic club.

Part of SL for many years, [the chamber] is a sex club that keeps secrets.  [the chamber] is located on a picturesque SIM owned by the elusive Max Butoh.  This SIM also contains a lovely formal club and an art gallery. The | dathúil | gallery of art features artists monthly.  The gallery itself is an eccectic warehouse design. It seems that each item on this SIM is carefully detailed for maximum visual pleasure.  The dance club is named ~ The Sable Club ~ and features a 1920s theme.

Elegant and subtle, you can expect to find a wide range of people at [the chamber] on any given day.  The members have one thing in common, impeccable attire and a sense of style. The group description is “A secret sex society themed-hangout in a vintage hotel room. Meet like-minded individuals for erotic chat, sexual encounters, roleplay or to just hang out.”  I learned of the club myself years ago when interviewing a featured artist at the | dathúil | gallery.  She insisted I would enjoy the club and she was correct.  [the chamber] is and remains a fantastic place to just hang out and on occasion have an erotic chat.  
I have seen [the chamber] evolve through the years keeping faithfully to the vintage hotel theme while adding items that enhance the experience.  When I first joined [the chamber] most socializing was done inside in the lounge. Now the favorite spot is the deck in the rear of the building. There are private suites you may access from the main building for those times you want to spend some one on one [or perhaps more] private time.  There is an incredible spa on the top floor with a large beautiful pool and massage tables. There are other areas I will not mention here as I feel they are even more private for the members. My personal favor is directly off the deck. It is a vintage barber shop complete with some very interesting animations in the barber’s chair.

These clubs remain at the top of the popular higher end adult venues.  Many people, such as myself, are members of both clubs as they are different.  Each provides a quality adult experience with it’s own “flavor”. Teqi’s is closely managed, overtly sexual, with every toy imaginable right there for anyone to try and to see.  The décor and colors at Teqi’s are both soft and sexy. There is no doubt that those hanging out at Teqi’s are interested in the adult fun, voyeurism and hanging out. Periodically, Teqi’s has an open day where non-members may visit to check out the club.  [the chamber], however, is discreet in the adult fun. Where Teqi’s is a large open club with nooks, [the chamber] is vintage hotel with rooms and floors. The colors at [the chamber] are muted yet lush. The private areas of [the chamber] are varied in location and theme.  There are many things you will discover at [the chamber] if you look around at the club. The SIM is also a delightful experience to roam around. I recommend both clubs to those interested in the high end adult clubs.

1 comment:

  1. This would have been a great review for both...five years ago!

    Chamber is always dead they have DJ events now to get people there.

    |Teqi's is full of the same few people all the time, rarely any changes of faces.


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