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Thursday, December 13, 2018

Mesh vs Classic *** Discrimination In Second Life Pandora Reporting

Discrimination is usually a real life issue but what happens when the hatred spills over into your Second Life and you are suddenly judged by your avatars appearance? To me that is beyond a joke.
I have seen clubs that state in their description “Mesh Avatars Only” and they are serious as they go on to add “No NOOB Mesh Avatars” and “No Flexi Hair.”

When I came back to Second Life I could see that a lot had changed. I knew that I would have to mesh up eventually. I began with a mesh body and my system head. While most people were okay with it. (Oh thanks for your approval) to others I had a mix and match look that did NOT match and they didn’t mind telling me so. I started to feel like some sort of freak … mesh body with a system head. It was doing my real life head in as well … pun not intended.
Eventually it all became too much and after taking a long hard look at myself I decided to change for ME and only me. In Second Life demos are your friend and I bought lots of them and got to work. I felt very proud of my achievements. I would be accepted now right? WRONG.
On the flip side a few people who hadn’t converted over to mesh or still had their system heads no longer wanted to know me. With the exception of a few REAL friends I had become an outcast. I’ve even had comments such as “You must feel much better now that you’re mesh” and I’m thinking to myself “You must feel much better now that I’m worthy of hanging out with you.”  This was a painful experience for me and it still is. The changes I have made to myself and will continue to make are for me and me alone. 

I have FRIENDS in SL who don’t see me as often if at all and others have dropped off completely. My whole mesh experience cost me close to 20,000 Lindens which is roughly $124.00 US because I live in Australia so the conversions are different. That includes a mesh body and head. Skins and makeup as well as hair and clothes. The list is endless.
Do I regret my decisions? No way I like my look and it’s mine. Don’t like it? Don’t look and while your’e at it go get a head or move on ahead … whatever.

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