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Monday, December 3, 2018

Getting A Head In Life Pandora Drezelan reporting

Okay, the last time that I wrote I had been checking out the Mesh situation in Second Life. I sampled a few demos and decided on the Maitreya Lara and Belleza Venus bodies.
I am currently wearing the Maitreya Lara body.
I liked both … it’s good to have a back up plan I guess.

The time had come for me to make a choice regarding my system head and this is where the problem started.
I really liked my system face … I mean like REALLY but I hated my actual system head. It didn’t look good with my new Mesh body no matter what I did.
I tried Mesh hair and Tattoo layer makeup I even bought a choker to hide the neck seam however there was no denying the way that I looked to ME.
Shopping wasn’t as much fun anymore. Everywhere I went I saw I lot of amazing makeup that I couldn’t wear unless I had a Mesh head.
This is only my opinion but unless you are really lucky then most system heads do not look good on a Mesh body. While the Mesh body is smooth wearing a system head with it doesn’t match up and may appear to have harsher edges.
I have always been a fan of LAQ. I’ve worn their skins for as long as I have been in SL. Two of my favourites were Lacie and Tasha so I decided to go back to where I started in the beginning and I purchased every demo that I could find.
I had five heads to demo. Sandy, Nyx, Leia, Neve and Poppy as well as skins and make up and the demo HUD.
I made a Project Folder for my demos and now the fun begins.
I demo’d everything to death for over two weeks and after many early mornings and sleepless nights Poppy won as my head of choice.
Then I TP’d back to LAQ
and bought EVERYTHING on my check list and straight back home again to get it all sorted. I had already tweaked Poppy’s head to look the way I wanted her to look. Now it was time for the final touches.
I made a folder for all of her body parts and named it Pandora’s Poppy. I made copies as well because I just make copies of everything. It drives me crazy that my inventory is so organised but I like it that way.
Now Pandora’s Poppy is complete. If you haven’t converted over to Mesh and you want to  then remember to demo EVERYTHING.
Make all the changes that you want on the demos. You can always take a break and start again later.
Converting from Classic to Mesh is your choice. It’s your Second Life not someone else’s so you decide.
I knew that giving up the face that I had known for eight plus years in SL would not be easy.
I was about to take on a whole new look and it would be worth it.

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