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Saturday, December 29, 2018

GeekSpeak – what would it be like to live with a Social Credit System?

China is creating a social credit system where everyone has to behave well or they lose social credit points.  Your social credit score will determine where you can live, whether you can travel, whether you can buy or rent a car, in fact it will determine what your life will be like.

What would it be like to live with such a system?  Will there be a black market in social credits?  Will people find ways to cheat?

Will the system lock the culture in one state forever because no one will dare to be different?  No one will ever dye their hair pink?  What will happen to the people who fall below the minimum credit level?

Will some people be happy with the social credit system?  If they can upvote and downvote people it may give them the illusion of control.

Will the social credit system be established in the west?  Come and discuss the future of citizen control. Entry only if you have 10 credit points.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

I hope you have been having a great Christmas.

Best wishes

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