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Saturday, October 20, 2018

GeekSpeak – can we prevent or survive climate change? Join the Discussion Saturday, Oct 20th at 12pm SLT

According to the IPCC (the intergovernmental panel on climate change) the next 12 years will determine our fate on our beloved Earth.  Will we completely change our ways and go green on a massive scale?  Or will we all perish in a series of cataclysmic events that will destroy everything we have taken for granted for so long?

If we do survive how will we have to change?  Will life in that future world be worth living at all?  Or do you think we cannot change and our generation is one of the last left on this pale blue dot?

Or do you think the threat of climate change is not serious, that it is all driven by panic (or maybe politics) and we can continue living as we do now?

Come and discuss climate change before it is too late.  Bring a rubber boat.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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