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Saturday, September 1, 2018

GeekSpeak – in the future, will virtual currencies become real life currencies?

Will it be possible in the future to go to the supermarket and buy eggs and milk with WOW gold?  Or linden dollars? Maybe it will be possible in the east, where the exchange rate will give virtual currencies greater buying power.  

Are people playing games now (apart from child slaves in sweatshops) just for the in-game money?  How much would you have to earn in a game to make it worth playing?

If you owned a RL store would you ever accept game money?  Will there be WOW banks in the future?

Would you feel safe trusting game creators and their currencies, whatever promises they made?

Come and discuss this new field of economics in our new digital age.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for new subjects.

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