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Friday, September 14, 2018

GeekSpeak – how smart will your smartphone get?

One day you will discover that your smartphone is smarter than you are.  It will not only have more brainpower; its senses will be better than yours.  It will sense temperature, air quality, pollen count, radiation as well as your heartbeat, weight and stress level. And all smartphones will be talking to each other.

What other senses will phones have?  Do you see a time when they will contain Geiger counters?  Lie detectors? 

Will they always be external to us or will we start implanting phones into our brains?  Will the connections between these implanted phones slowly turn us into the Borg?  Would that be a bad thing?  Will some people choose to be Borg?

Come and talk to us in GeekSpeak.  But turn your phone off, it might learn too much.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have ideas for new subjects.

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