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Saturday, September 29, 2018

GeekSpeak – how do we fill the robot gap?

Robots will be running the world some day.  But what happens before they take over?  When the roads have both self-driving cars and human driven cars?  When some of us have bots that shop for us and some of us must go to the supermarket and shop with bots?  When some of us have only human friends and some have bot friends?

Will the roads have special lanes for self-driving cars?  Or special lanes for human driven cars?  Will there be laws, like the red flag act, that will prevent technology from growing? Will bots have to get degrees or diplomas just because humans need them?  Will marriages between humans and bots be allowed?

Will we want to stop the process?  Should we?  Will we be able to?

Come and talk about the gap between now and the robot world.

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