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Friday, July 13, 2018

Celebrating Second Life: The Wall of History -Pen Dragon Reporting

Second Life is celebrating its 15th birthday with a whole host of parties, concerts, free gifts and so much more, but how did it all begin? What was SL like before modern mesh, before the incredible world we have all grown to love? Let's take a stroll back in time with our flux capacitor enabled DeLoreans to find out!

Second Life, or SL, is a name we are all familiar with today, but when Linden Labs developed the virtual word back in 2003 it was called LindenWorld. Before beta testing began it was decided to change the name to Second Life in order to give a more “creative and descriptive” feel to the new world. Since then it has grown by leaps and bounds, with technology forging new concepts and giving new abilities to creators.
With all this advancement and change, its important to look back at the humble beginnings of this virtual world.

The Second Life Wall of History is the perfect place to dive deep into every aspect of how Second Life began. The wall itself was created for the 2nd anniversary of SL. The landing area puts you just feet away from this repository of historic information.The wall has spheres with hover text describing what each note card giver contains. The subjects are varied and cover a wide range of historic topics, including avatar history, Second Life Historical Museum information, and all the known logs of Linden’s Town Hall meetings.

There are a lot of interesting facts and history to be learned at the Wall of History. For instance, did you know that the hand logo associated with SL we see everywhere is actually similar to a hand symbol seen all over the world in many cultures and civilizations. The hand has many meanings throughout the world. Another tidbit is that there are 2 known Easter Eggs in Second Life. One is mentioned in the note card “Did you know” found at the Wall of History, the other? You’ll have to find that one yourself.

The setting is beautiful with Linden Village and offices as a backdrop. You can climb the stairs up to the main building for a breathtaking view and continue on, around the mountain to discover information on RL education in SL. Continue down the mountain to find fun and interesting tutorials on how to interact with Second Life. There is also a Second Life planetarium with N.A.S.A. video clips. All in all the whole area is a fun place to explore and learn.

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