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Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Lost Art - Pen Dragon Reporting

Sex has always been and always will be big business. In fact, it’s the oldest profession in recorded history with mostly women selling their bodies for the pleasure of others. The same is true for Second Life. But has the art of the high-end escort been lost or abandoned in lieu of the quick hook-up or even the AFK sex doll?

First, we have to understand the difference between the high-end and the high-volume escort. The high end escort, while charging more, offers a more personalised and intimate encounter. Giving more attention to their client and ensuring that the experience is more than just a brief, forgettable sexual encounter. The high volume escort is usually much cheaper and will get you just the act and little more. They tend to go through more customers per day because they spend less time with each.

I went in search of the more elite, upper-class brothels and escort establishments to find out how well the business was doing, especially against a plethora of competition around the grid. There was a time when these establishments were plentiful. You could go almost anywhere to hire a classy, premium escort for the evening, but as I discovered, those days seem to be gone.

Most of what you find today is the new trend of AFK, away from the keyboard, sex workers. Women who leave their body logged in while they are away and let clients use them with no emoting, no foreplay and no interaction. These places have popped up almost everywhere, seemingly replacing the classic upscale brothel.

“Most of us are experienced in many aspects of the market. We cater to a wide range of kinks, and if I can't, I will always know of one or two girls who can. You pay us to get what you ask for. You can go to a lot of places. A quick interaction from a girl at a freelance place though, they do business in bulk.
You won't get the time there you would here. Or you can go lay with an AFK body. Those are great options if you don't need more, but when you do you come here.” said Puppy, an escort at one of the few existing posh escort clubs, Lace & Garters. She didn’t let on that there was a decline in the business of the high end escort, going on to say, “Sex will always be in strong demand. It is recession proof. Good sex, more so.”

Of the handful of brothels I did find, most were empty with help wanted signs hanging on the door. As I continued to investigate I found that most sex workers weren’t even willing to talk, much less go on the record with a reporter. In one instance, at RisQue After Dark, the owner, whose name unironically was The Most Boring Man in SL, was so upset that I was asking questions he banned me from the sim. That alone says volumes about the state of affairs in the escort business.

The art , taking the time with a client, and giving him or her a personalized, tailored sexual encounter, seems to be going by the wayside. So few of the upscale professionals exist anymore, almost like a dying breed. It would seem that sex patrons are preferring to have the “wham bam thank you ma’am” quickie over the intimate designer experience.

Additional Information:
Lace & Garters Premier Female Entertainment

LuXXX Lounge ~ High-class, erotic entertainment

RisQue After Dark

-Pen Dragon (arthuris1974)

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