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Friday, May 25, 2018

R e g i & T y Y I f u : Creative, Diverse and Creations & Love- Seersha Heart Reporting...

                In January 2016 I visited LEA Eiffelicious to write a review for an arts magazine.  This build was the Eiffel Tower with two floors of art studios, first floor expansive club area and fantastic music.  The entire build was encased within a snow globe.  The day I landed there I was greeted with a superb dance mix of Blonde’s Heart of Glass.  The entire installation was built by one person.  It was artist and fashionista R e g i   Y i f u.  I also had the great fortune to meet both R e g i and T y.  Within a few moments of meeting them, it was obvious that they share an easy rapport.  They are two ends of a book shelf, working together.  Both Y i f u’s are extremely talented. Regi also DJs in world.  R e g i makes custom voice gestures
[like:Goodbye cruel world! I am leaving Second Life forever!!!!] and T y makes custom mesh lettering and logos.  These talents are but the tip of the iceberg named Y i f u.

    The most amazing fact to learn about this couple is that they have been together 6 ½ years now In a world where many romances can barely make a month, this is astounding.  Meeting this couple, you will completely understand how they made it so long.  I can easily see them together many more years.  Each has a phrase in their profile that is an accurate phrase to describe themselves.  For R e g I it is “I am a gregarious bohemian artist from Texas”.  For T y it is “Say hi or not, whatever. :P”.  And in a phrase, those are all you really need to know about each of them.  R e g i released a cookbook IRL titled “A Mouthful of Yum! Cookbook” and I am almost certain the name he chose is a double entendre.  He wrote, photographed and designed the book.  R e g i has an excellent eye for details so I expect this food to be delicious.  

Regi has attached a sex engine to these items:*dock * clam * cloud * drift wood * sand * chair * wall * sofa * picnic basket * sand dollar * knuddelfick lounger * twisted sofa * picnic table * pizza * mistletoe * screw * fortune cookie * pool table * car keys * buddy * inferno * pickle * matches * clock * bed * sex bomb * sex button*….and one called  *anywhere*
Let me share the thoughts of this power couple with you today:
Seersha Heart:    I am not going to start off by being cliché and asking you how succeeded in maintaining your relationship for 6 ½ years.  I will just say that it is fabulous, and I look forward to the party!  Congratulations gentlemen.  I do want the answer to one cliché question: Will you tell me the story of how the two of you originally came together?

Regi:I was building a club for Ty and his friend when we met, I loved his wit and charm and decided to keep him! lol

Ty: We actually FIRST met one night when he had an impromptu DJ set at 4am to try out some new tunes. I saw the notice and went because I was bored. He asked me where I was from and when I said Texas he got super excited and started passing me all his gestures that included the word TEXAS lol. The second time was a couple of months later when he built the club and we've been together ever since. He's a very special man, I'm so happy we found each other.

Seersha Heart:    Warehouse 69 is unique in many of the products it carries.  In common, each item has a name that leaves no doubt what the product is used for such as “[list including one I purchased called F##kin’ Get Nailed Anywhere HUD] Sex products with panache.  This store doesn’t carry many of the things you make.  What is your vision for Warehouse 69?  Is there another store?  Where are your products listed on Market Place?

Regi: We love making novelty sex engines like Sex Car Keys, Sex Cloud and Sex Grass to name a few, I also make cloths for the Aesthetic Mesh body. I make fun toys for all to share and custom gestures and DJ Drops and custom items like Cigarettes where the smoke spells your name.

Ty: All of our sex items are on MP under Regimade but a lot of the non- sex stuff Regi makes are given away for free. There's a freebie box at the
Warehouse 69 with a lot of stuff in it. We have some ideas for new sex items bouncing around, stay tuned!

Seersha Heart:  Car keys?  Pizza?  Fortune cookie?  What inspires such unusual sex devices?

Regi: We wanted to make some fun novelty type sex engines.

Seersha Heart:    I am happily aware that R e g i gives great gifts at parties.  I confess to loving the F##knKnuddelfick Lounger he shared at a birthday party!  The two of you throw the most fantastic parties down to the most intricate detail.  On New Year’s Eve you built NYC Times square.  Every detail was constructed from the marques on the faux buildings to the cars and the people in the street, including drunks and a limousine running over Santa.  What have you planned for your anniversary?  [Note Knuddlefick comes from German slang for Cuddle F##k]

Regi: Every year on our anniversary (this year is 7) we rent a sim and either use the TIME SQUARE set or I build a special build. Too early to know what we might come up with this year but I can assure you it will be awesome!!

Ty: We've played around with different ideas over the years but always seem to come back to Times Square. It's an iconic place for NYE and people really seem to enjoy it. So do we!

Seersha Heart:    The Times Square set is fantastic…all the details.  You also have a talent for picking relevant and snappy names.  The last part I attended was called ‘Bashiversary’.  You gave out some gestures in a phone booth with a passed out drunken woman at the floor of it.  Loved it!!  When did each of you begin building in SL?  I notice that Regi came to SL in 2007 and you Ty came a couple years later in 2010.  Do you or did you collaborate on builds?

Regi: I have been building things in SL since 2007 when I first entered this fabulous creative heaven I know as my second home! Typically, I build the larger builds by myself. But Ty is always there for suggestions and finding me anything I need on Marketplace! Ty manages the Regimade Light Gallery and if you have not seen that you should go right now!

Ty: I've built a few sets for Regi's rez day or birthday but he's really the builder of the family. He's able to spend much more time in SL than I am so he's all over it! I really enjoy making mesh logos. If anyone is interested in one they can contact me directly or submit a request through the website vendor at Warehouse 69.

Seersha Heart:    The readers love “how I came to SL” stories.  Will you share yours?

Regi: I was at dinner with friends one night and one of them mentioned he played this fun social game and I should give it a try....needless to say here I am 10 years later. #Addicted

Ty: Well, I blame my Second Life on tequila. I broke bones in both my feet and was sitting around bored as f*** then remembered seeing some story on tv about a Second Life singer. I tried it out not having a clue what to expect. It was kind of weird at first but then I met Regi and it all seemed to fall into place.

Seersha Heart:    Let’s talk about your gallery.  You like to play with light and lighting and you provide instructions for the viewer to set their Windlight.  I have seen a hologram picture floating around of Regi, and there seems to be a never-ending flow to the ideas.  Do both of you create the art displayed in the gallery?  Do you have a “fun” requirement when you are creating?

Regi: One-day Ty was showing me how projectors worked and I ran with it! lol I was curious if the images projected could be colored Red, Blue, and Green and then focused on the same spot would make a full color image just like on a TV, and it worked!!!! So, I built the gallery to showcase photographers from SL.

Ty: We like to display various photographers in the SL community. Some have never had an installation before and some have. We've both shown our own work in the past and are now focused on showcasing more of the extraordinary photography that comes from the Second Life community.

Seersha Heart:    Both of you are very active in SL’s gay men’s community.  Any words of wisdom for the new person to SL on how or where to contact this vibrant community?  Set phasers to pizzazz?

Regi: I would say enjoy everything SL has available. See amazing builds and meet wonderful people from all around the world! SL is always getting better so I just suggest getting out there and finding the things that make you happy while leaving any drama at the curb!!

Ty: I suggest just doing what I did. Search GAY and start sim hopping LOL. Eventually you find your people like I did.

Seersha Heart:    I enjoy speaking to the two of you.  You are both inspirations of the potential in SL for other residents.  Is there anything you would like the readers to know about you, your stores, your parties?

Regi: Well I am just a regular guy... feel free to ask question or just say hi!

Ty:  Just thank you to everyone for all their support through purchasing our sex items or coming to Regi's DJ sets. We truly appreciate it.
These are first run questions; I will probably have small follow ups after these are filled in…I am SO excited to have you in the SL Enquirer…and anything you think of A N Y T H I N G that you want to include that I left out…tell me…it is IN

Regi: Kiss kiss

Saoirse Heart:   Kiss kiss: 😉

                There is another stand out feature at Regi and Ty’s events.  Most of the men in attendance are gorgeous.  The detail to their avis to express their personal identity is the best I have seen in SL.  Regi and Ty are beautiful specimens as well.  If you haven’t checked out Warehouse 69, use the SURL below and go.  There is also a LM for the gallery.  I have been in a lot of galleries in SL.  Ty’s is a treat, a little edge, a lot of don’t miss….#FABULOUS

Seersha Heart [saoirseheart resident]

1 comment:

  1. I went to this place in first time with my husband on Tuesday night after work. The inside of this place was quit big and had enough seats to sit and nice bar area. We had a few things at Chicago event venues, along with drinks and it was all good!


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