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Monday, April 9, 2018

Sound Quiz Trivia Game Table is taking Trivia Entertainment to a Whole New Level while helping charities- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Sound Quiz trivia Table is the first innovative interactive table game to be introduced to the Second Life community. Created by ENT Media’s Shane Foresight and Kaijah Chrome, Sound Quiz combines the fun of trivia with the use of audio clues and the challenge of players having to beat the clock.  It is a fast paced social game for players of all levels, if you love table games and trivia, then this is the game for you!

It is perfect to have at your club or venue. Sound Quiz will encourage visitors and members to get together and play against others and the table.  Affordable and easy to play, it is a game designed to provide the best in-world table game entertainment. Get ready to laugh and have fun with your friends and family.

The SL Enquirer met up with Shane and Kaijah to learn more about Sound Quiz Game table and how you can be part of owning one and help various charities on the grid.


Hi Shane and Kaijah, it is a pleasure to talk to you about this exciting new game table. It looks like you and your team put a lot of work into it, what inspired you to create Sound Quiz?

Shane:- Thank you  Lanai, part of the responsibility of the management of The ENT Charitable Fund, is to create ideas on new and innovative products in SL that will provide funding to the Charitable Fund.

The idea first came about as a result of an interest in trivia and having played other text based trivia games in SL.

We wanted to create a new experience, one that would combine the use of audio clues and timers, which would set both a social yet competitive aspect to the game.
We feel what we have achieved has far surpassed our expectations, in as far as, the response in sales and table owner’s feedback.

Kaijah:- As many of you know, Second Life really hadn't seen or experienced new games in many, many years, and, quite frankly, we thought it was time Second Life Residents had something new and interesting to play.
Additionally, we wanted Sound Quiz to be more of a social game that most existing Second Life games.  With the introduction of sound clues and encouraging people to voice during the game, it can be quite entertaining and fun to play!

Not only is it a trivia game but it has sound clips which sets it about from other trivia games in Second Life. Can you tell our readers more about what Sound Quiz Trivia Game Tables does?

Shane:- Sound Quiz is like nothing seen before in SL, it has been designed to be social, bringing people together in a fun and friendly competitive way.

Kaijah:- Sound Quiz game allows for selected categories, like music to be the trivia category.  Once the game begins, players will hear a sound clue which can be anything from movie clips, interesting facts, famous speeches, and of course, songs and music clips.  The HUD provides a question that is related to that sound file with 4 multiple choice answers they can select from to submit their answers.
We incorporated the multiple choices in order to allow any level trivia player a fun and interactive experience, everyone loves being able to have a guess if they don't know the answer.

 Is it random music trivia or can you pick specific categories?

Shane:- it is much more than music, we have 3 categories, Music, Movies and General Knowledge, with many different genres and topics involved, there is something for everyone.
Kaijah:- Players can select specific topics they want to play and the number of total questions per game.  For a quick game, one game of 20 questions would be selected.  Each category consists of a 20 question set and can be individually selected by interests of those playing.

What other features does it have?

Shane:- The game comes with a number of features, you can load as many packs as you like, with an automated loader system, it makes loading fresh packs easy.
The selection of categories provides 2 options, you can select up to 3 categories (60 questions) across any of the 3 categories or you can have the table select them for you randomly.
The table has a HUD which you receive when you sit at the table, this is where players will see the question and the 4 multiple choice answers, as well as the submit button and the timer.

Kaijah:- While testing the original Sound Quiz game we found that a majority of people loved playing with voice on.  Soon, people were singing, laughing and talking that it made us realize we needed to put in a warning timer.  There is a count down timer that let's players know when the next sound clue will play and to quiet down so the clue will be heard!  Talk about an interactive and boisterous game!

How many players can join in a game at once?

Kaijah:- The table will accommodate any number of players up to a total of 8.  Players are free to join or leave anytime during game play without affecting any of the other players.

Can SL residents contribute to adding more questions into the game table or does it have add-on expansion packs?

Shane:- currently we have over 1000 questions or over 40 packs with more produced and released regularly.

Kaijah:- In addition to our standard add-on packs, we offer a customized pack specific to a group or sim that is personalized to include questions about individuals, the role play if there is any, and the sim.  After all, we all know Bella always eats chips when on voice!  Really?

Do you have tournaments and events for Sound Quiz at ENT media? If so, what group can they join for events?

Kaijah:- As a kick off event, we did have a Grand Tournament with a prize of 10,000L.  Over 48 people signed up to play elimination rounds over a 2 week period which resulted in a Grand Final play off of 8 people.  It was quite an exciting final round! 
On an on-going basis, we sponsor events and tournaments at club and games venues as a way to spread the word about Sound Quiz to residents.

Can you tell our readers about the Sound Quiz rewards program?

Shane:- As a feature of the game we have provided the ability for owners to load the table with a gift or prize, this delivers a prize to the winner.

Clubs and owners are finding different ways to make use of this, some are providing vouchers, others are introducing sponsors items, such as clothes etc.
The feedback from clubs has been positive with many telling us that interest in the table and the club has increased since using this feature.
We provide a DIY box which owners can place items and other elements in, which can then be uploaded to the table via an upload feature in the table.

I heard proceeds from the game table sales help out various charities in Second Life? Which charities does it help and how much have you raised so far?

Shane:- We are very passionate about The ENT Charitable Fund and the recent success of the fund in raising money for charities in SL which make a difference in real life.
As a result of the sale of Sound Quiz, we have raised over 130,000 lindens of which we are proud to say 80,000 lindens has been donated to two charities, as part of our distribution model.

The two charities received 40,000 lindens each, the worthy recipients were the Feed a Smile and Homes for our troops.

Kaijah:- We felt it was important to have transparency with the ENT Charitable Fund. We formed a Board of Directors, which meets quarterly, who bring nominee charities to the table for consideration.  We do our best to contribute to those we feel we can impact positively with our donations.

Our website supports our transparency with information on charities that we contribute to and the money donated.

Where can table game enthusiasts get Sound Quiz?

Kaijah:- The game, available in Beach theme, Bright theme, Gothic theme, and Steampunk theme can be purchased from the Sound Quiz marketplace store.  Add-on packs and reward gifts are available there as well. 

We also have a table out at the Sound Quiz Game sim where we encourage people to come over, play the game, and experience it on a personal level.  The tables are also for sale there.  Come on over and play a game!  You'll fall in love with Sound Quiz!

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Shane:- Sound Quiz and the ENT Charitable Fund are ways residents in SL can make a contribution to those less fortunate and by promoting the ENT Charitable Fund and the products we release to raise funds, we are doing our bit in allowing others to share in the gift of giving.

We would ask everyone reading this article, to take a few minutes to check out the ENT Charitable Fund and the Sound Quiz Trivia Game and to pass on details to their friends.
The smallest gesture or action can make a big difference in the lives of others.

Additional Information:
To see and play it in world at the ENT SL Radio HUB:
Sound Quiz Trivia Table Game is officially released and for sale on MP! 
Proceeds from the sale of the Sound Quiz game goes directly to the ENT Charitable Fund, which donates funds to various charities each year!

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