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Saturday, April 14, 2018

GeekSpeak – should we have a ministry of happiness? Join the discussion on Saturday, April 14th at 12pm SLT

Should governments measure their success not by financial growth but by the effect they have on the happiness of a population?  Should we all copy Myanmar and have a ministry of happiness, whose job would be to make everyone as happy as possible?  Should the government send clowns onto the street, to make the children happy?  Should police officers give out free ice cream once in a while in an attempt to change the mindset of angry, ‘no future’ kids?

Even if you do not think there should be a ministry of happiness do you think we should have a different approach to policing and punishment?  Maybe a speeding lottery where all those who don’t speed would be entered into a lottery for the fines of those who do speed?

Or do you think all this sounds too much like Big Brother?  Maybe the next step is to increase the average happiness by providing public suicide booths.

So, should there be a ministry of happiness?  And what should its function be?  Join us today and perhaps we will elect you to lead it.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any ideas for future discussion subjects.

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