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Saturday, April 21, 2018

GeekSpeak – the end of cities? Join the discussion April 21st at 12pm SLT

Will the future see people moving out of cities?  If there are self-driving electric cars on call all the time, goods are delivered by drones, schools are available on youtube and you can work in a virtual world why live in a city?  Will you need to be near a hospital if your house robot can be a heart surgeon?  And wouldn’t it be good to escape the pollution?

What do cities have to offer?  It may be that they will be the last refuge of wildlife.  Any number of species are now moving into cities and escaping the farming and hunting regimes of the countryside.  Would the death of cities mean the extinction of species?

Perhaps we would lose something if we never interacted with people at random, if we always chose the people we wanted to talk to.  

What will happen to the cities if we all abandon them?  Will they become drone hubs?  Will they be preserved as monuments to the past?

Come to our discussion and tell us where you prefer to live in 15, 30, 50 years.

IM Vulcan Viper if you have any suggestions for future discussion subjects.

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