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18 Years and counting...Got SL News? Get it Published! Contact Lanai Jarrico at

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Loreen Aldrin is back, and she is poised and ready to play for your venue!

She's back, and she is poised and ready to play for your venue, to make more fans, to reacquaint herself with all the eager fans who are waiting.... patiently, for her next gig.

A multi-instrumentalist since her adolescence, Loreen excels on guitar and piano, has played in bands for over 18 years, and has toured extensively across Europe, including a tour that recently finished. She's also in the studio when she can, as she will be releasing a new cd soon. She brings her ear pleasures your way, in hopes to grow her audience for a possible American tour, as well as more touring across Europe.

This sweet singing, golden throated songstress will surprise you with her guitar, seducing you with her voice, and making you beg for mercy! Loreen Aldrin plays in sl between real life gigs and will rock you out or make you cry... and anywhere in between. You will want to make a point of coming! Bring your friends!

Group: Loreen  Aldrin's Ear Pleasures 

For Bookings contact  ღℓαuгιε  αℓεxιşღ (lauriec)


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