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Thursday, August 3, 2017


All residents, upon registering for second life, agree to abide by the rules in the Terms Of Service (TOS) and the Community Standards (CS). But it is very common for people not to know or not to remember these rules.
Terms of Service – TOS
Community Standards – CS:

Abuse occurs whenever one of these rules is intentionally or maliciously disrespected, but not all residents know the abuse reporting system or remember to use it when encountering players who are intentionally rude, so-called Griefers.

The best way to prevent harassment or abuse is to use your settings, to control the environment, and who can interact with you. For example, if you are being pushed or moved by scripts, right-click an object and select Sit Here. This prevents you from being moved. If a friendship has soured, block the person and remove them from your friends list. This will also remove all the permissions you've given to the person.  

In Sl, I talked to some people about how they protect themselves from Griefers. Let's take a look at the answers.
Miss  Haneruno  Resident
Camury: Miss Haneruno, have you ever suffered any kind of harassment or abuse in SL?
Haneruno: "Yes I have suffered many attacks in SL. This is very common for those who, like me, use sandboxes. "
Camury: How do you protect yourself from Griefers?
Haneruno: "I know that there is a system of complaints in SL, but when I suffer attacks I get a little annoyed and simply turn off the computer. I do not have the patience to make the complaint. "
Mr Rayc0 Resident
Camury: Mr. Rayc0, have you ever suffered any kind of harassment or abuse in SL?
Rayc0: "Yes, I was in a Protected Land, waiting for my inventory to load, when an avatar started to shoot me."
Camury: How did you do to protect yourself?
Rayc0: "I got angry and teleported myself to another place.
Camury: Do you know the SL complaint system?
Rayc0: "I read something about reporting abuse but actually I never bothered about it. I've never tried to know how to make complaints ... "

Mrs. Brendajac Melborne
Camury: Mrs. Brendajac, have you ever suffered any kind of harassment or abuse in SL?
Brendajac: "Yes, I was visiting the Amazon River Land with a friend when we were attacked by Griefers."
Camury: How was the attack?
Brendajac: "They put us in a kind of cage, where the avatar cannot escape. Even if you leave the game and return to the game, your avatar will be trapped in that cage.
Camury: Did you report the attack?
Brendajac: "Yes, my friend, who is an experienced player, was able to resolve the situation and took all steps to register the attack and report the abuse to Linden Lab. Those Griefers were banned from SL."
Miss Prya Resident
Camury:  Miss Prya, have you ever suffered any kind of harassment or abuse in SL?
Prya: "Yes I was on a land when my avatar was pushed several times and I could not control the situation.
Camury: Did you report the attack?
Prya: "I did not really worry about that, all I did was teleport me to another land."

Miss AnyaMel
Camury: Miss Anyamel, have you ever suffered any kind of harassment or abuse in SL?
Anyamel: "Yes I was at an SL event when I received a suspicious object. All they wanted was to take my lindens. "
Camury: How can you verify that the object was suspicious?
Anyamel: "I opened the profile of the object and saw that the information was incomplete. The creator of the object did not have satisfactory information in his profile and by clicking on the object I received a message asking permission to remove my lindens."
Camury: Did you report the abuse?
Anyamel: "Yes, I captured all the screens and sent everything using LL's complaint system." I'm still waiting for the result of the complaint. "

Send complaints about any abuse you witness, other than those you personally encounter. Complaints from several people highlight the seriousness of an incident and help resolve the cases more quickly. Learn how to report by clicking here:

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